Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Boom Boom Pow

You read that right. This is a blog post about the first non-children's music song for which Max has expressed a preference. Yes, ye olde Boom Boom Pow by BEP. For those of you who aren't familiar with the song, here's the video clip:

So one night in November, the song came on our stereo and Max was getting down. It's hard to describe just how intense the dancing got without a proper visual. I am pleased to present said visual to you here:

I love that fierce, catwalk-glare as he gets into his floor work. After looping the song a few times over, Max got a little punchy. He then discovered that, at night, he could see his reflection in our picture window and started giving it kisses. Kisses turned into headbutts, which led to falling on his keister, which he found hilarious. Check it.

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