I picked up an Advent calendar for Max this year and for some reason, it got me thinking about this blog. I thought it would be a cool idea to do a blog Advent calendar of sorts and actually do a post for every day in December. This won't be marathon posts; more like little treats of conversations, tidbits, videos and photos. There are also a few things this year that we always wanted to post (bring on the hula chair!) but never got around to so there will be a few new gems from earlier in the year. Since we started this blog with Max's arrival, we've loved posting stories about the boys and hearing from our small but loyal group of readers. Thanks to everyone for their kind words and positive vibes! We hope you will enjoy opening a virtual window every day this month and getting a little waxy piece of chocolaty, bloggy goodness. Max certainly enjoyed his first real piece tonight. Although it was pretty tough to explain to him that he could only open one window at a time. Those darned lift-the-flap Bob the Builder books!!!
And now for today's tidbit:

In case you can't tell from this photo, Max is feeding his baby. Yes, on a nursing pillow and everything. He gets the pillow set up on his lap and the baby in position (with a rather unconventional palming head-holding technique but I digress), and then pulls up his shirt and attaches baby to his belly button. The whole thing is super, super cute. You should see the look of frustration on his face when he is wearing a onesie and can't pull his shirt up! He also likes to burp his baby up on his shoulder. It is so amazing to think that he is absorbing so much of the world around him like a little sponge and that he would understand the whole breastfeeding process through observation. I think we'll wait a while before we explain that food doesn't come out of his belly button. I think he is doing a pretty great job of understanding the whole process for a little guy.
À demain!
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