Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!

Ahh. NOW, 'tis the season! The presents are all opened, the fridge is devoid of egg nog, the kids are back at daycare, there are no sugarcentric holidays within the next three months, Casey Kasem is counting down the top hits of 1987, two months' worth of pictures just got imported to our computer and I'm ready to blog again. Trying to push the pageviews past 10,000 (500 to go!). Yeah! We enjoyed a busy holiday season with the boys this year - lots of parties, visits and snow for everyone. Christmas started early this year with a visit from the boys' grandma from Winnipeg. Grandma stayed for an extended weekend and got to read with the boys, see Leo's hip-hop dance recital, help put up the Christmas tree, and see some of Ottawa's sights. Here are some pictures from the visit:
Max and Mommy check out the tree.
Leo having a good time and sizing up his certificate.
Grandma congratulating her little munchkin.
Grandma got down and dirty with the kids, building Lego creations and becoming a Play-Doh dentist.
West and Henry: total frenemies.
Grandma enjoying a little gingerbread house construction. It looks like this was the 34th time we had told Leo to stop snacking on the candies.

Oh, and that gingerbread house just happened to be Kerry's first. A pretty awesome thing to share with the kids.

After Grandma left, it was time to go check out Max's Christmas concert at his school. The concert featured the kids in his SK class performing three French Christmas songs. Max was a little bit more forthcoming this year as compared to his year-end performance last year. Well, a tiny bit I guess (see the video after the pictures below).
Max at his angelic best (he had found out I'd be pulling him from school early).

The next big event was Henry's first haircut. We took him to the same place the older boys get their locks snipped...but it probably wasn't the best idea. Henry did OK, but by the end of the appointment, he could have benefited from a seat on my lap. Unfortunately, my booty doesn't fit into their Mater/Lightning McQueen/Barbie car seats. So he had to suffer through it alone and all of his writhing likely contributed to the nice triangle shape shaved into the back of his head. Either that or the stylist (who conveniently had laryngitis) was not up to snuff. Regardless, Henry instantly became a big boy.

Auntie Krysta and Uncle Steven visited just before Christmas and we all got together for a couple of dinners and the Vinyl Cafe with Stuart McLean on the weekend of the 22nd.
The Stardom boys chilling in the Walkersons' movie theatre
The whole crew at the Walkersons' table.
We all got out to build a snow fort in the back yard. Something threw Max off big time and he wasn't really in the mood for a picture. Too bad.
Mommy and Henry enjoying some fresh air.
Max getting intellectual with Uncle Steven.
Uncle Steven taking on his annual role of builder-of-kids'-gifts.
Mmmm...cake pops!

Stardate: Christmas Eve. Every year, my office lets people bring their families for a brunch. Santa also makes an appearance. Here are some of the things we got up to that day.
Check the details in this picture. Max and Leo were standing in front of Santa while gifts were distributed to about 30 other kids. It's like they're reassuring each other that any second now, it would be their turn.
Charlie's Angels? Max, Leo and Maddie got together in my office and did their very best to destroy it.
Here we are at our annual dirty bird dinner with the Screids and the Bills - nothing like ingesting as much KFC as possible the day before turkey day with six kids five and under. Still not sure why one of their deals is called "streetwise".

CHRISTMAS!! Thanks to Lar and James for hosting. We had a great time!
Leo is a little obsessed with the Lorax these days. Santa did a pretty good job to dig up a book and a stuffie for Christmas.
Henry was actually a pretty solid present-opener.
REALLY not sure what Leo was doing here. Having a good time with a paper roll.
Henry loves things that roll!
Look at all the happy people! I bet this is before I reminded the boys that they needed a nap.
And now the boys get a turn on the couch with the men. Max seems to be fading. I seem to be styling.
This look says "Awwww yeeeeeah! Lego!"
See, it looks like Max is giving Leo some love here. However, this is how he secretly convinces Leo to do something to get his own way.
Auntie Melody and Leo share a moment deciphering Leo's new Spiderman toy. The little magnetic Spiderman figure it comes with does cool stunts and Henry is a big fan too!
Happy parents on a great day.
Henry hanging out with his grandpa.
Max gets down to business with his Batman Lego set.
Daddy gets to play with the finished product.
Henry getting some auntie love.
Auntie and Mommy lookin' goooood.
Again, 60% of family members doing the right thing in a picture is about as good as it gets.
Tickle time!!!

After Christmas, we got up to a couple of things in Ottawa including a trip to the Science and Technology Museum. Here are a couple of moments from our days in town.
Snack time! Like his older bros, Henry really likes popcorn...
...and spaghetti.
A creepy couple of pictures. There's a place in the Science and Tech Museum where you can learn about telecommunications and you can speak on the phone to someone while both parties can see each other on TV screens. Henry obviously recognized his mom and started waving frantically at her.
Henry was pretty upset trying to crawl through the Crazy Kitchen (a room built on an angle but with furniture placed so that it looks flat...VERY disorienting!)

Well that about does it for everything interesting that happened over the holidays. PSYCHE! We also had a little road trip to Guelph for a New Year's Eve from that shindig will follow in the next post!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Grandparents' Reading Day 2012

We wanted to share this photo of Max and his Nana taken during Grandparents' Reading Day at Max's school on December 7, 2012. Max was thrilled to have his Nana in the classroom! Nana reports that a good time was had by all and she didn't crush the princess dreams of any little girls this year.