Exhibit A:

John, in an attempt to outghetto Holly in her famous story about going to the grocery store in pajamas and dress shoes, uses Max as a table while consuming, yes, Kraft Dinner with hot dogs. Take that Martha Stewart!

Holly, finding Max at one of his googlier moments, took a while series of photos to try to get Max at his ultra-happiest (and without a diaper in hand!) Daddy says this one wins out.
Exhibit C:

Oh man. So I'm minding my own business, trying to capture a mother loving her son in the kitchen when I hear the start of a ralphing sound. Do I put the camera down and come to the aid of my wife? Nope, I take a picture.
By using the comments link, you can decide which one wins:)
I'm going with the KD pose. Representing on the crappy food, the toque, and the using the baby as a table. Very ghetto. Very nice.
Personally I think Holly's expression in photo number 3 wins out. Priceless.
Oh man - Numbah one! Max's expression is priceless - you can't plan that sh*t with a newborn. He is so horrified too! Just wait, little man, I have a feeling this competition is anything but over.
Picture 1, for sure. Despite his tender age, Max clearly understands the gravity of this affront to his dignity. Go Golden Bears!
Definitely number one where Max gets to see and smell the original gourmet food.
Spencer says the boy in the blue sleeper belongs on a Jones soda bottle, you know the company that you can send photos and sometimes they decide to use said photos on their bottles for mass distribution? They have a blue coloured pop that Max would look perfect on.
Spencer says it's the most beautiful photo of Max he's seen so far.
I thing exhibit A, that is what parenthood is, eat on the run, whatever you do. Val
I think I'm the first to vote for #3 - I love Holly's look of horror and Max's expression of "whatever, blech." I must see this little guy in person soon! Berry
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