So one thing that has changed since going back to work has been how much I look forward to weekends. Yes, I always used to look forward to Friday afternoon (who doesn't?), but now that my weekdays consist of little more than waking up, puttering around the house for 30-60 minutes, working for the man, coming home, getting about an hour of face time with Max before he feeds while we're eating and watching an episode of something on TV, and then maybe going for a walk or soothing him to sleep some other way and then one last feed before the whole sleep/feed cycle. Repeat. Weekends give me more time to get to know my boy while he's awake, more time to see how he's coming along. Better yet, weekends are usually when people from out of town take time out of their schedules to come and visit with the new addition.
On the third weekend of October (just as Holly and I were starting to get sick...our one excuse for not getting these pictures on the computer sooner), Max's great-grandfather and his partner came up

from Peterborough for a great visit. Both were smitten with the little guy and enjoyed getting to hold him and say "hi!". Holly's Ottawa family came together for a wonderful dinner that night at Auntie M's place and Max had a great evening. Eventually, Max needed a little evening walk to calm down, but he still enjoyed meeting some more family members. The next day, Max, Holly and I had a wonderful family stroll on a brilliant fall day (and actually saw the Peterborough visitors again on the road, on their way to lunch!) to cap off a great weekend.
This past weekend (a long one for us federal public servants), our friend J from Toronto came up for a visit. Oddly enough, she was the last person to meet Max...while he was on the inside! J saw us just two days before Holly's water broke, a time when we weren't entirely sure if he'd already be out yet or not. Well, he held on and J had to wait another two months to come see him in the flesh. The weekend was super low-key with lots of hanging out, eating sushi, playing games and catching up. Max must have been chilled out by J's magic touch as he had himself a 5.5 hour sleep on Sunday night. AWESOME!
This weekend, I've been thinking a lot about just how in love I am with this little guy. Every moment spent at home these days feels so fulfilling and invigorates me for the week ahead. I'm looking forward to the next out-of-town visit from a family member or good friend!
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