It's somehow been a week since our last post. Yikes. Lots of things have happened though. Let's start with sleep. Max had his first super-long sleep this past week! An eight-hour marathon that of course had me freaking out at the 6.5 hour mark thinking that something was wrong. And then (Murphy's Law), while checking him out, I woke Holly up and then neither of us could really get back to sleep while Max continued to zonk for another 90 minutes. Since then, he's put in another couple of seven hour nights, all before his 12-week anniversary! We really won the lottery with this guy. Tonight, I have a feeling that we're not going to do so well as we went out for a dinner date (while he slept at the table). We'll see...
On a related note, Max has opened his eyes a few times recently on the way from the rocking chair to the bed and has not ended up completely waking up. It seems that he has learned that opening his eyes does not have to be synonymous with waking up and that it is possible to get himself back to sleep - perhaps this has contributed to his being able to sleep longer hours.
In other news, we have seen the first sign of motor skills in our little one. Max has started batting the toys hanging from his little chair. Well, it still looks kind of random, but it's obvious that Max knows that randomly flailing his right arm will sometimes yield a nice rattling sound and this plush thingamabobber will swing back and forth. I doubt he really knows what's going on, but it seems like it's within reach.
Max has also started doing some interesting physical things. When our friend J was up from Toronto, he blew his first spit bubbles. Since then, he has gotten so good (bad) at it that we have started to wash his bibs in preparation. Max has also discovered his tongue and occasionally licks his lips. Finally, and most hilariously, he has taken to stroking/patting Holly's chest while nursing. Like he's saying "good boy!" during a feed. It's quite hilarious as it can go on for over 10 minutes.
All of these new and wonderful things have come at a cost though. It seems like he has finally let go of the Moro reflex. No matter what I do (within reason), he just won't throw his arms out on either side of him as if to say "Booga!". Next on the trash-heap is likely to be bathing in the sink...dude is getting big and splashing around a lot more than he used to. This is all giving me a big lesson in how transitory Max's skill set is - the cool things he can do today are sure to be replaced by other things he'll be able to do tomorrow. Some of the new things will also be pretty cool, but some of the old things will be sorely missed.
Here are some visuals to ogle:

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