So it seems Blogger has added an easy-to-use feature by which we can start putting our videos on the blog. Most excellent. So, as a treat for having waited so long for a new post, here is the first video we ever took of Max, when he was 2 days old.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Max news
So it looks like Kraft Dinner Daddy wins the photo of the week. Thanks all for piling on.
It's somehow been a week since our last post. Yikes. Lots of things have happened though. Let's start with sleep. Max had his first super-long sleep this past week! An eight-hour marathon that of course had me freaking out at the 6.5 hour mark thinking that something was wrong. And then (Murphy's Law), while checking him out, I woke Holly up and then neither of us could really get back to sleep while Max continued to zonk for another 90 minutes. Since then, he's put in another couple of seven hour nights, all before his 12-week anniversary! We really won the lottery with this guy. Tonight, I have a feeling that we're not going to do so well as we went out for a dinner date (while he slept at the table). We'll see...
On a related note, Max has opened his eyes a few times recently on the way from the rocking chair to the bed and has not ended up completely waking up. It seems that he has learned that opening his eyes does not have to be synonymous with waking up and that it is possible to get himself back to sleep - perhaps this has contributed to his being able to sleep longer hours.
In other news, we have seen the first sign of motor skills in our little one. Max has started batting the toys hanging from his little chair. Well, it still looks kind of random, but it's obvious that Max knows that randomly flailing his right arm will sometimes yield a nice rattling sound and this plush thingamabobber will swing back and forth. I doubt he really knows what's going on, but it seems like it's within reach.
Max has also started doing some interesting physical things. When our friend J was up from Toronto, he blew his first spit bubbles. Since then, he has gotten so good (bad) at it that we have started to wash his bibs in preparation. Max has also discovered his tongue and occasionally licks his lips. Finally, and most hilariously, he has taken to stroking/patting Holly's chest while nursing. Like he's saying "good boy!" during a feed. It's quite hilarious as it can go on for over 10 minutes.
All of these new and wonderful things have come at a cost though. It seems like he has finally let go of the Moro reflex. No matter what I do (within reason), he just won't throw his arms out on either side of him as if to say "Booga!". Next on the trash-heap is likely to be bathing in the sink...dude is getting big and splashing around a lot more than he used to. This is all giving me a big lesson in how transitory Max's skill set is - the cool things he can do today are sure to be replaced by other things he'll be able to do tomorrow. Some of the new things will also be pretty cool, but some of the old things will be sorely missed.
Here are some visuals to ogle:

It's somehow been a week since our last post. Yikes. Lots of things have happened though. Let's start with sleep. Max had his first super-long sleep this past week! An eight-hour marathon that of course had me freaking out at the 6.5 hour mark thinking that something was wrong. And then (Murphy's Law), while checking him out, I woke Holly up and then neither of us could really get back to sleep while Max continued to zonk for another 90 minutes. Since then, he's put in another couple of seven hour nights, all before his 12-week anniversary! We really won the lottery with this guy. Tonight, I have a feeling that we're not going to do so well as we went out for a dinner date (while he slept at the table). We'll see...
On a related note, Max has opened his eyes a few times recently on the way from the rocking chair to the bed and has not ended up completely waking up. It seems that he has learned that opening his eyes does not have to be synonymous with waking up and that it is possible to get himself back to sleep - perhaps this has contributed to his being able to sleep longer hours.
In other news, we have seen the first sign of motor skills in our little one. Max has started batting the toys hanging from his little chair. Well, it still looks kind of random, but it's obvious that Max knows that randomly flailing his right arm will sometimes yield a nice rattling sound and this plush thingamabobber will swing back and forth. I doubt he really knows what's going on, but it seems like it's within reach.
Max has also started doing some interesting physical things. When our friend J was up from Toronto, he blew his first spit bubbles. Since then, he has gotten so good (bad) at it that we have started to wash his bibs in preparation. Max has also discovered his tongue and occasionally licks his lips. Finally, and most hilariously, he has taken to stroking/patting Holly's chest while nursing. Like he's saying "good boy!" during a feed. It's quite hilarious as it can go on for over 10 minutes.
All of these new and wonderful things have come at a cost though. It seems like he has finally let go of the Moro reflex. No matter what I do (within reason), he just won't throw his arms out on either side of him as if to say "Booga!". Next on the trash-heap is likely to be bathing in the sink...dude is getting big and splashing around a lot more than he used to. This is all giving me a big lesson in how transitory Max's skill set is - the cool things he can do today are sure to be replaced by other things he'll be able to do tomorrow. Some of the new things will also be pretty cool, but some of the old things will be sorely missed.
Here are some visuals to ogle:

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Photo of the week
Tough call. But I'd say the three candidates are the following:
Exhibit A:
John, in an attempt to outghetto Holly in her famous story about going to the grocery store in pajamas and dress shoes, uses Max as a table while consuming, yes, Kraft Dinner with hot dogs. Take that Martha Stewart!
Exhibit B:
Holly, finding Max at one of his googlier moments, took a while series of photos to try to get Max at his ultra-happiest (and without a diaper in hand!) Daddy says this one wins out.
Exhibit C:
Oh man. So I'm minding my own business, trying to capture a mother loving her son in the kitchen when I hear the start of a ralphing sound. Do I put the camera down and come to the aid of my wife? Nope, I take a picture.
By using the comments link, you can decide which one wins:)
Exhibit A:

John, in an attempt to outghetto Holly in her famous story about going to the grocery store in pajamas and dress shoes, uses Max as a table while consuming, yes, Kraft Dinner with hot dogs. Take that Martha Stewart!

Holly, finding Max at one of his googlier moments, took a while series of photos to try to get Max at his ultra-happiest (and without a diaper in hand!) Daddy says this one wins out.
Exhibit C:

Oh man. So I'm minding my own business, trying to capture a mother loving her son in the kitchen when I hear the start of a ralphing sound. Do I put the camera down and come to the aid of my wife? Nope, I take a picture.
By using the comments link, you can decide which one wins:)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
So a lot of these posts have been about Max and how things are coming along. We're trying to keep up with these new posts as much as Max will allow...but we've kind of let go of the original intention of the blog a bit. We wanted to fill you all in on some of the things that went on before Max so now, I'm going to sneak in a little entry about Holly in her pregnant days.
When we went to our Bringing Baby Home class before summer got under way, one of the other women had these HUGE ankles. I had read in books that women's ankles tended to swell during pregnancy, but we'd never really seen it in action before. In fact, the one thing that freaked Holly out more than anything else (foot-related, that is) was that some women pack a lot of size onto their feet and then don't actually shrink back down to their original foot size post-partum. No that she has umpteen shoes or anything, it was just the idea of losing something for good.
So anyway, we see this women's ankles and are thinking, "Oh man, those are nasty! There's no way it will get that bad for us!".
I mean, Holly was known the world over for her svelte feet. And then it happened. Mid-July, in about her 33rd week, Holly got the calf-ankles, or cankles. Her little ankle bone disappeared and not even in a cloud of smoke or something. Gone. In fact, we have photo evidence. I'll let you guess which feet belong to whom (a-Holly Stardom, b-Angelina Jolie and c-Eva Longoria - my summers at the cottage are the best). And by the way, the dimples at the base of Holly's toes were her personal favourite.
For about a month and a half, Holly endured not being able to wear anything other than her (stretched-out, thanks to a Philadelphia sidewalk adventure) red Croc flip-flops. They became better friends to her than just about anything else. The skin on her ankles actually got sore from being stretched around so much fluid for so long.
And then, as some of you may be aware, Max was born. I think somewhere in the recesses of our minds, we were thinking
that the ankles would just rematerialize...but they didn't. Holly's blood pressure (which is related to swelling in the ankles) didn't come down out of the "watch" zone until about a week post-Max, and then (miracle of miracles), the ankles returned. Holly was so ecstatic about seeing those two little foot bones that she immortalized them in a picture. The first day she was able to wear real shoes again, she may have cried. Everything fits again and now there's nothing to do but wait and see if it might happen again. Wink wink. In the distant future, I mean.
When we went to our Bringing Baby Home class before summer got under way, one of the other women had these HUGE ankles. I had read in books that women's ankles tended to swell during pregnancy, but we'd never really seen it in action before. In fact, the one thing that freaked Holly out more than anything else (foot-related, that is) was that some women pack a lot of size onto their feet and then don't actually shrink back down to their original foot size post-partum. No that she has umpteen shoes or anything, it was just the idea of losing something for good.
So anyway, we see this women's ankles and are thinking, "Oh man, those are nasty! There's no way it will get that bad for us!".

For about a month and a half, Holly endured not being able to wear anything other than her (stretched-out, thanks to a Philadelphia sidewalk adventure) red Croc flip-flops. They became better friends to her than just about anything else. The skin on her ankles actually got sore from being stretched around so much fluid for so long.
And then, as some of you may be aware, Max was born. I think somewhere in the recesses of our minds, we were thinking
Monday, November 19, 2007
Happy as a clam. Or a baby under a diaper.
So I guess that a lot of things with babies are pretty random. Sleep times. Gurgly sounds. Ability to keep food down. And, in particular, moods. We're starting to see some trends with Max, but they mostly have to do with when he's happy. I suppose we kind of tune out the times he's unhappy. We know he's happy in the morning. He's sometimes happy after erupting from the bath. And, get this, he's happy under a diaper.
I kind of discovered this one by accident. We change Max on the floor of the nursery, usually, and sometimes, we have to bounce from the nursery to the bathroom to wet a facecloth for wiping his delicate unmentionables. Well, one day, I got the fresh diaper out and before racing off to wet the cloth, I kind of chucked it in his general direction. I say racing because when naked (and cold, I assume), Max can get a bit, well, chippy. When I got back, he was still quiet and seemed to be rubbing the vinyl-y side of the diaper. He seemed pleasantly distracted, but I get "pleasant" was a bit of a stretch because, at that time, he couldn't really show hapiness.
Well, now he can. It turns out that we can actually get him from bawling to smiling in less than 30 seconds with the diaper trick. Not always, but often enough that we're pretty sure he really likes the feel of fleece on his chest, the feel of the diaper in his hands and the scritchy sound of the diaper crinkling. The other day, I finally got some pictures - usually, I only post one at a time, but they're all so fun I can't really hold back!

I kind of discovered this one by accident. We change Max on the floor of the nursery, usually, and sometimes, we have to bounce from the nursery to the bathroom to wet a facecloth for wiping his delicate unmentionables. Well, one day, I got the fresh diaper out and before racing off to wet the cloth, I kind of chucked it in his general direction. I say racing because when naked (and cold, I assume), Max can get a bit, well, chippy. When I got back, he was still quiet and seemed to be rubbing the vinyl-y side of the diaper. He seemed pleasantly distracted, but I get "pleasant" was a bit of a stretch because, at that time, he couldn't really show hapiness.
Well, now he can. It turns out that we can actually get him from bawling to smiling in less than 30 seconds with the diaper trick. Not always, but often enough that we're pretty sure he really likes the feel of fleece on his chest, the feel of the diaper in his hands and the scritchy sound of the diaper crinkling. The other day, I finally got some pictures - usually, I only post one at a time, but they're all so fun I can't really hold back!

Thursday, November 15, 2007
New mommy syndrome
So, this isn't the official name of the chronic thumb and wrist pain that I have been feeling since late September but my new chiropractor has nicknamed it "new mommy syndrome" because she has seen so many new mums with it. She even had it herself, which is pretty wild considering that she uses her hands all day every day in her work and never had a problem! The official diagnosis is de Quervain's tendonitis. Here's an official blurb:
"First dorsal compartment tendonitis, more commonly known as de Quervain’s tendonitis or tenosynovitis after the Swiss surgeon Fritz de Quervain, is a condition brought on by irritation or inflammation of the wrist tendons at the base of the thumb. The inflammation causes the compartment (a tunnel or a sheath) around the tendon to swell and enlarge, making thumb and wrist movement painful. Making a fist, grasping or holding objects—often infants—are common painful movements with de Quervain’s tendonitis. The cause of de Quervain’s tendonitis is an irritation of the tendons at the base of the thumb, usually caused by taking up a new, repetitive activity. New mothers are especially prone to this type of tendonitis: caring for an infant often creates awkward hand positioning, and hormonal fluctuations associated with pregnancy and nursing further contribute to its occurrence."
Yuck. On the plus side, it is nice to finally know what it is and some options to treat it. The chiropractor is doing muscle therapy and I'm icing the area as many times a day as I can. The main thing I have to do is be careful when feeding and picking up the little man. It is certainly a challenge.
Wish me luck in kicking this pesky thing to the curb!!! I need healthy wrists and thumbs to keep up with this growing boy.
p.s. I need to do a little shout out to our friend Is. My new chiropractor and her partner work with Ray Zahab! There are signed photos and articles all over the office!
p.p.s. And a shout out to my sister who passed her driving test this morning after only 12 minutes in the car. Go Lar go!!!
"First dorsal compartment tendonitis, more commonly known as de Quervain’s tendonitis or tenosynovitis after the Swiss surgeon Fritz de Quervain, is a condition brought on by irritation or inflammation of the wrist tendons at the base of the thumb. The inflammation causes the compartment (a tunnel or a sheath) around the tendon to swell and enlarge, making thumb and wrist movement painful. Making a fist, grasping or holding objects—often infants—are common painful movements with de Quervain’s tendonitis. The cause of de Quervain’s tendonitis is an irritation of the tendons at the base of the thumb, usually caused by taking up a new, repetitive activity. New mothers are especially prone to this type of tendonitis: caring for an infant often creates awkward hand positioning, and hormonal fluctuations associated with pregnancy and nursing further contribute to its occurrence."
Yuck. On the plus side, it is nice to finally know what it is and some options to treat it. The chiropractor is doing muscle therapy and I'm icing the area as many times a day as I can. The main thing I have to do is be careful when feeding and picking up the little man. It is certainly a challenge.
Wish me luck in kicking this pesky thing to the curb!!! I need healthy wrists and thumbs to keep up with this growing boy.
p.s. I need to do a little shout out to our friend Is. My new chiropractor and her partner work with Ray Zahab! There are signed photos and articles all over the office!
p.p.s. And a shout out to my sister who passed her driving test this morning after only 12 minutes in the car. Go Lar go!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
My mom asked me the other night what was new with Max and I honestly couldn't think of anything. It reminded me that we see Max all day, every day and often don't notice the subtle changes in his physical appearance or demeanour. We usually have to look at pictures to remind ourselves of how the little guy has changed. However, after a bit of reflection, two things did come to me.
One, the time change at the start of November threw his sleep schedule off so for a few days, he slept soundly through the early evenings. So whereas before, we would feed him during dinner and then play pass the baby for a few hours before putting him to bed, we ran into a few situations where we half-fed him during dinner and then he'd fall asleep. For three hours. This may have affected his quality of sleep in the late hours (read: after 5 a.m.) but Holly would know much more about that :)
Two, it's just fantastic that the little guy has learned to smile. Despite the fact that most of the time it's a warning sign for something else, it's mesmerizing and brightens our day. However, just recently, Max's tear ducts have also discovered how to flow. So now he smiles and he cries. The latter is pretty tough to take. Before, when he was upset, we could just go about our business, trying to soothe him. But it's funny how a few drops of salty water add so much of a sense of urgency. Now, we have to fix things RIGHT AWAY because those tears are killers. We wanted to show you a picture of him crying, but had to cover up his eyes in order to protect all of you from losing it yourselves.

So there you go.
Two new things about Max.
One, the time change at the start of November threw his sleep schedule off so for a few days, he slept soundly through the early evenings. So whereas before, we would feed him during dinner and then play pass the baby for a few hours before putting him to bed, we ran into a few situations where we half-fed him during dinner and then he'd fall asleep. For three hours. This may have affected his quality of sleep in the late hours (read: after 5 a.m.) but Holly would know much more about that :)
Two, it's just fantastic that the little guy has learned to smile. Despite the fact that most of the time it's a warning sign for something else, it's mesmerizing and brightens our day. However, just recently, Max's tear ducts have also discovered how to flow. So now he smiles and he cries. The latter is pretty tough to take. Before, when he was upset, we could just go about our business, trying to soothe him. But it's funny how a few drops of salty water add so much of a sense of urgency. Now, we have to fix things RIGHT AWAY because those tears are killers. We wanted to show you a picture of him crying, but had to cover up his eyes in order to protect all of you from losing it yourselves.

So there you go.
Two new things about Max.
Great visits, great weekends
So one thing that has changed since going back to work has been how much I look forward to weekends. Yes, I always used to look forward to Friday afternoon (who doesn't?), but now that my weekdays consist of little more than waking up, puttering around the house for 30-60 minutes, working for the man, coming home, getting about an hour of face time with Max before he feeds while we're eating and watching an episode of something on TV, and then maybe going for a walk or soothing him to sleep some other way and then one last feed before the whole sleep/feed cycle. Repeat. Weekends give me more time to get to know my boy while he's awake, more time to see how he's coming along. Better yet, weekends are usually when people from out of town take time out of their schedules to come and visit with the new addition.
On the third weekend of October (just as Holly and I were starting to get sick...our one excuse for not getting these pictures on the computer sooner), Max's great-grandfather and his partner came up
from Peterborough for a great visit. Both were smitten with the little guy and enjoyed getting to hold him and say "hi!". Holly's Ottawa family came together for a wonderful dinner that night at Auntie M's place and Max had a great evening. Eventually, Max needed a little evening walk to calm down, but he still enjoyed meeting some more family members. The next day, Max, Holly and I had a wonderful family stroll on a brilliant fall day (and actually saw the Peterborough visitors again on the road, on their way to lunch!) to cap off a great weekend.
This past weekend (a long one for us federal public servants), our friend J from Toronto came up for a visit. Oddly enough, she was the last person to meet Max...while he was on the inside! J saw us just two days before Holly's water broke, a time when we weren't entirely sure if he'd already be out yet or not. Well, he held on and J had to wait another two months to come see him in the flesh. The weekend was super low-key with lots of hanging out, eating sushi, playing games and catching up. Max must have been chilled out by J's magic touch as he had himself a 5.5 hour sleep on Sunday night. AWESOME!
This weekend, I've been thinking a lot about just how in love I am with this little guy. Every moment spent at home these days feels so fulfilling and invigorates me for the week ahead. I'm looking forward to the next out-of-town visit from a family member or good friend!
On the third weekend of October (just as Holly and I were starting to get sick...our one excuse for not getting these pictures on the computer sooner), Max's great-grandfather and his partner came up

This past weekend (a long one for us federal public servants), our friend J from Toronto came up for a visit. Oddly enough, she was the last person to meet Max...while he was on the inside! J saw us just two days before Holly's water broke, a time when we weren't entirely sure if he'd already be out yet or not. Well, he held on and J had to wait another two months to come see him in the flesh. The weekend was super low-key with lots of hanging out, eating sushi, playing games and catching up. Max must have been chilled out by J's magic touch as he had himself a 5.5 hour sleep on Sunday night. AWESOME!
This weekend, I've been thinking a lot about just how in love I am with this little guy. Every moment spent at home these days feels so fulfilling and invigorates me for the week ahead. I'm looking forward to the next out-of-town visit from a family member or good friend!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
An anatomy lesson . . .
Today's post was originally going to be about Max's first immunizations and what a brave little boy he was for all three of his needles. Or maybe the first snowflakes that were falling when we walked back from the doctor's office. But something much more blog-worthy happened during his first diaper change after we got back.
I don't know it was the shock of the needles or the gargantuan 3 a.m. feed last night but Mr. Max had a VERY soiled diaper. While I was lifting him by the ankles to clean his bum, I noticed him start sputtering. There was liquid on his face. Yes, our dear readers, Max had indeed peed in his own face. He looked more stunned than anything and I think most of the pee went on his outfit and the change pad. I have to admit that I had a laughing fit. I'm sure that he doesn't actually have the brain capacity to understand the cause and effect of peeing when your bits are precariously close to your face but I will count on all of you to tell him this story when he is old enough to understand.
We hope your day is going well and you haven't managed to pee in your own face.
I don't know it was the shock of the needles or the gargantuan 3 a.m. feed last night but Mr. Max had a VERY soiled diaper. While I was lifting him by the ankles to clean his bum, I noticed him start sputtering. There was liquid on his face. Yes, our dear readers, Max had indeed peed in his own face. He looked more stunned than anything and I think most of the pee went on his outfit and the change pad. I have to admit that I had a laughing fit. I'm sure that he doesn't actually have the brain capacity to understand the cause and effect of peeing when your bits are precariously close to your face but I will count on all of you to tell him this story when he is old enough to understand.
We hope your day is going well and you haven't managed to pee in your own face.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Just a Perfect Day...
Unlike Lou Reed's, we didn't drink sangria in the park, but we still had a good one. When the three of us got home from World Trivia Night on Friday, Max was pretty cranky as it was past his bedtime by about an hour. We were worried that this might have an impact on his sleep, but we fed him and got him in to bed by 11:30 with our fingers crossed. Holly was feeling the wear and tear of nursing Max while nursing me through my sickness so we made a deal that in the morning, once he was up, I would take him for a good long walk to give her another hour or so of sleep.
We wake up to feed Max at 4:00 - already this is a little longer than usual for a first sleep so we were pretty happy during that feed. Holly said that she would likely take him into bed with her and feed him there the next time around so I was allowed to sleep through the second feeding. I kind of came to around 6:30 or so and heard Max crying, so he was right on par with the second sleep of about an hour and a half. When I came to again, it was 10:00 and I thought to myself "uh-oh - Max fed/slept poorly in the morning and Holly had to take him downstairs. I can't believe Holly let me sleep." So I got my robe on and went to go downstairs when I noticed Holly was still in bed. With Max. Weird. So I got back into bed and checked my email, etc. until 10:15 when Holly woke up, pretty groggy. Apparently, when Max went to bed again at 7:00 and a bit, he slept right through until 10:00. So out of ten and a half hours through the night, we were actually able to sleep for almost nine, which is unheard of.
This was just the start of a great day. I made Holly some blueberry pancakes (by the way PC Buttermilk > Aunt Jemima any day!) and we watched a bit of TV before setting out on a nice walk through the hood. Max snoozed on me in the sling until we got home. Holly got together with some girlfriends after feeding him and had a super time catching up, playing pass-the-baby and yakking about things in the world other than Max. It should be said that he was a superstar throughout, aside from a smelly diaper episode. Meanwhile, for the first time in months, I decided to treat myself to a movie, so I went and saw Michael Clayton (A+), a movie Holly and Max already caught a couple of weeks ago. Popcorn and the whole bit. Ahhh.
When we all got home, we (aside from Max, who was cashed out from being so awesome all day) agreed that this was one of the best days in recent memory for sleep and for mixing baby time with personal time. Now we'll see what today holds - hopefully gaining the extra hour won't mess things up:)
We wake up to feed Max at 4:00 - already this is a little longer than usual for a first sleep so we were pretty happy during that feed. Holly said that she would likely take him into bed with her and feed him there the next time around so I was allowed to sleep through the second feeding. I kind of came to around 6:30 or so and heard Max crying, so he was right on par with the second sleep of about an hour and a half. When I came to again, it was 10:00 and I thought to myself "uh-oh - Max fed/slept poorly in the morning and Holly had to take him downstairs. I can't believe Holly let me sleep." So I got my robe on and went to go downstairs when I noticed Holly was still in bed. With Max. Weird. So I got back into bed and checked my email, etc. until 10:15 when Holly woke up, pretty groggy. Apparently, when Max went to bed again at 7:00 and a bit, he slept right through until 10:00. So out of ten and a half hours through the night, we were actually able to sleep for almost nine, which is unheard of.
This was just the start of a great day. I made Holly some blueberry pancakes (by the way PC Buttermilk > Aunt Jemima any day!) and we watched a bit of TV before setting out on a nice walk through the hood. Max snoozed on me in the sling until we got home. Holly got together with some girlfriends after feeding him and had a super time catching up, playing pass-the-baby and yakking about things in the world other than Max. It should be said that he was a superstar throughout, aside from a smelly diaper episode. Meanwhile, for the first time in months, I decided to treat myself to a movie, so I went and saw Michael Clayton (A+), a movie Holly and Max already caught a couple of weeks ago. Popcorn and the whole bit. Ahhh.
When we all got home, we (aside from Max, who was cashed out from being so awesome all day) agreed that this was one of the best days in recent memory for sleep and for mixing baby time with personal time. Now we'll see what today holds - hopefully gaining the extra hour won't mess things up:)
Friday, November 2, 2007
I guess it depends on your perspective . . .
I reached a new sartorial low today. Even if we went with my loose definition of "shabby mommy chic", this was bad. Really, really bad. I went to the Superstore in the following: blue and green horizontal striped pajama pants (John affectionately calls these my Dr. Seuss pajamas), a white Ontario Students Against Drunk Driving t-shirt that I got in Grade 11 (I'll let you imagine what a white 50-50 t-shirt with a skull on it looks like after 14 years of constant wear), an old hoodie, and my turquoise MEC fleece from second-year university that I just can't let go of. Did I mention that I went commando? Or that I was wearing John's size 10 black dress shoes because I could slip them on over my giant fuzzy socks? Or that my last shower was too many days ago to repeat in polite company?
Or maybe it was a new high because I really didn't care. Mr. Max wanted to go outside immediately and I didn't want him to cry for the five minutes it would have taken me to take him out of the sling and change. The priority was to get him outside and on the move. It was a great little trip! I was smiling at strangers like I wasn't dressed like a homeless clown wandering through Nestboro. We were on the prowl for great deals on Halloween candy and we totally scored.
So the next time you go out shopping and see some total freak with a sleeping baby in tow, please PLEASE keep me in mind, smile and keep walking.
Or maybe it was a new high because I really didn't care. Mr. Max wanted to go outside immediately and I didn't want him to cry for the five minutes it would have taken me to take him out of the sling and change. The priority was to get him outside and on the move. It was a great little trip! I was smiling at strangers like I wasn't dressed like a homeless clown wandering through Nestboro. We were on the prowl for great deals on Halloween candy and we totally scored.
So the next time you go out shopping and see some total freak with a sleeping baby in tow, please PLEASE keep me in mind, smile and keep walking.
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