Wow. He has gotten so good at recognizing people both in his everyweek life as well as those he only sees once or twice a year. The last time he looked through a photo album, he was able to identify pictures of his Grandpa, Grandma and Auntie Jan without any help. In fact, the last time his Grandpa called, he asked who it was - I gave him the phone, Grandpa said "Hello" and Max said "Grandpa". To me, that's totally amazing. He has seen his Grandpa on four occasions, although one doesn't really count for recognition purposes because Max was a week old at the time.
I guess it all goes to show that everyone that Max meets over the course of his life does have an impact on him and he does remember voices and faces. So don't any of you screw up or anything because at this point he'll remember:):)
Wow, what a marathon the last month or so has been. Scrabble, sadness, happiness, family, friends, dancing, running and POO!
The video finally loaded for me .... does he call her Auntie Lemony?????
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