About 10 days ago Max got his first cold in a long time. He was only out of daycare for about a day and a half and now he's back to normal, aside from a persistent cough. At the start of all of this, he was pretty good at covering his mouth with his sleeve, but midway through the last 10 days, it seems that he has selectively decided to forget how to do it. I think this happened right around when he started saying "I not sick" so maybe it's intentional.
About 6 days back, Leo picked up the nastiness and gave us a run for our parenting money on Thursday night and Friday. However, with the assistance of Holly's folks and Leo's willingness to sleep in his car seat, the weekend was most definitely salvaged. Friday night, Leo slept longer than he'd slept in roughly 4-6 weeks in his car seat. Holly thought of doing it to clear his airways as he is more upright in his seat and we found a website or two that suggested that it was safe as long as the straps weren't anywhere near the baby, it wasn't a long-term solution and the baby was in the same room as a parent, so we went for it. I think we slept over seven hours each that night and then Nana and Great Auntie K whisked Max away on Saturday morning to do a bunch of shopping and hang out with Great Auntie M. This gave me the opportunity to get some more sleep so I was super grateful. Then, both kids napped simultaneously for two hours (!!!!!!!!!), enabling Hol and I to do a crazy amount of puttering and cleaning up that was long overdue. Sunday went well too and ended with a nice family dinner at Nana and G.A.K.'s.
Monday, Holly took Leo in to a clinic to have Leo's drool rash checked out (he has raised bumps on his chin area resulting from the 24/7 deluge of saliva rolling out of his mouth). I guess the doctor heard Leo breathe once and immediately prescribed some antibiotics as a preemptive strike against anything bacterial or viral (pneumonia, say) that might be thinking of taking hold. For a kid who never drank from a bottle, you can imagine how well he's handling ingestion of liquid medicine (not well). Lots of sputtering and staining things pink. However, I think his status has improved since the weekend, despite the fact that he still has a nice, wet cough. Apparently, this can linger for a couple of weeks. That's unfortunate, but at least we won't be freaking out in 2 weeks when Leo's still hacking up a lung.
As for the parent-folk, Holly and I have been borderline since Sunday - that first blast of rest seems to have weakened our defenses. Holly has held up nicely, but I finally caved today and stayed home to rest. Hopefully I'll be back at work tomorrow, but it will probably depend on how tonight goes.
So that's the skinny.
I'm starting to feel bad about the Leosplosion pictures, so I thought I'd post something more enlightening today. Here is a video of Max, troubadour, entertaining his younger brother. It's really amazing to watch how Max's presence tends to totally calm Leo down. I hope they keep this up :)
Blogger eated your video, but just the still image of Max sitting there with his guitar/ukelele is hilarious on its own.
The video's working now. Max's stage charisma is overwhelming. I wonder how Grace would react to being serenaded.
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