Happy half-birthday, my beautiful boy. You are six months old today! I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday that you were a tiny, tiny little baby.
You had your six-month checkup today and you are perfectly average with a height and weight in the 50th percentile. You weigh 8.02 kg (17.6 pounds).
You've started on solid food. You started rice cereal on New Year's Eve and today you tried a bit of banana. The rice cereal was a hit but the banana was a no-go. We'll try it again another time.
You are getting really mobile. The other day, I was playing with you on your new quilt (Thanks Grandma!) and I got up for a few seconds to run to the washroom and came back to see this:
You had rolled across the room and were manhandling your brother's Zamboni!
You love music and songs. Singing can put a huge smile on your face and calm you down when you are upset. Acka Backa Soda Cracker and I Love You in the Morning are two of your favourites.
You have a huge range of expressions, which is quite the change from your brother at your age. Here you are giving the sock monkey your best "Come hither":
You have ticklish thighs. You have a little bald spot on your head that I like to obsess about. You are getting better about being in your car seat.
You put EVERYTHING in your mouth these days, including your own feet and your brother's hockey sticks:
You inherited your father's long eyelashes but my brows so your eyelashes actually do this weird thing where they curve downwards at the ends because your brows are pushing them down. Hopefully that changes as you get older or I'll be buying you an eyelash curler!
We put a bookshelf in your room today and I am looking forward to reading you lots and lots of books.
I worry sometimes that you don't get enough individual attention because we have your brother to take care of too but I also know that having a brother so close in age to you will mean that you will have a playmate and friend for life. You love to watch your brother play and run around. You also seem to like his hugs and sloppy kisses.
I also have to remind myself that you are growing up fast and to take the time to really be with you and enjoy your company while we have this time together. The dishes and the laundry can wait!
I love you oceans, little one, and I look forward to seeing you grow into your own little person.

1 comment:
awesome photos!
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