I want to take a few seconds to announce a couple of things:
1) Max is obsessed with shopping. In our pantry. Yes, he wheels his multipurpose truck that has faces announcing things like "I'm the bus driver, time to go to school" and "I'm a fireman, don't play with fire!" over to our pantry and starts pulling things off the shelves and firing them in his truck ("shopping cart"). Typically, he grabs all of the boxes of raisins he can get his hands on, all of our granola bars and occasionally a chocolate bar or something similar. Unfortunately, this has led to Max helping himself to raisins occasionally and tonight, Holly busted him trying to break into a Skor bar.
One morning last weekend, Max had been playing around in our bedroom closet with a sealed bag of raisin boxes that he had "bought". I knew he couldn't get into it so I kind of ignored him, being in the middle of my haze of sickness. Holly came in and heard the crinkling. She asked "what is our son doing in there?" and I muttered something about raisins but she thought I should check. It turns out that at some point, he had also pilfered/"bought" an open bag of mini Rolos and had at some point given up on the raisin bag and moved on to the easier prey. He had at least 4 or 5 in his mouth and that may not have been his first kick at the cat. Oops. We're monitoring his shopping cart more closely now. He has moved into jams and seasoning mixes occasionally but has as yet stayed away from the brewskis on the bottom shelf.
This is no doubt where Max gets the shopping gene from:
2) Leo has started babbling, much like what Max started doing when he was 6 months and 12 days old as documented in this post: Happy Easter. Leo is slightly behind the curve at 6 months and 26 days, but that's pretty close. In fact, I hadn't really done the math and wasn't really expecting it anytime soon. I had definitely wondered to myself what it would sound like when Leo would start, but didn't give much thought to the "when". It started when he woke up at 3-something in the night...I'm sure I heard something about "hickey" in there...I suppose I should have warned Holly. In any case, he was running his mouth all day long. Unlike Max, Leo is a little camera shy so I was repeatedly unsuccessful at getting a good movie, but at the end of the one below, you can get a little taste. I'm sure we'll film something better shortly. Anyway, Leo has been in a wonderful mood all day (in fact, Holly and I got some good jobs done around here today and we're both feeling pretty good) and I'm hoping he sleeps a little better than last night.