Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gingerbread House

Not much to say for this one - just wanted to share some photos. Last year, we started a bit of a tradition by decorating a pre-fab gingerbread house in Winnipeg. And, keeping with the theme of a complete lack of desire to actually eat any of the Halloween candy that they collect, the kids weren't really interested in eating any of the candies aside from the gummy Santa, wreath and snowman.

This year, we got another gingerbread house (with, it must be said, fresher candies so the kids were MUCH more interested in eating everything) and brought it over to Nana's, where Auntie Karen, Auntie Laramie, Nana and Uncle James helped us put it all together. We had a great time and Nana cooked us a lovely meal afterward.

Here are a few pictures (and yes, Leo is always either eating or about to eat some candies):

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