Sunday, January 15, 2012

Daddy goes it alone

Before we get to our regularly-scheduled blog post, I thought I would mention that last night we went to bed at 10:30. By 12:40 each of our children either woke up crying for attention or (if physically capable) woke up and inserted themselves into our bed. All three! That was a record. Not quite like Bill Mosienko of the Blackhawks scoring three goals in 21 seconds, but getting there.

Anyway, today, Holly signed up for a volleyball tournament that would have her out of the house from noon to 5:30, my first extended block of time with all three boys without Holly around. Everything went really well and I have some thank-yous to hand out:

1) To Henry, for drinking half of a bottle and then almost all of another bottle. Also for having a nice long nap, followed by a couple of other shorter snoozes. Henry, this could have been really dicey, but your co-operation was key. So thanks.

2) To Kerry, who came over to help keep extra bodies distracted and occupied. I was able to get lunch together because she read to the older boys. Max was able to go to his skating lesson because she could drive him there. Max had a great time at home because Kerry did a craft with him. Kerry, you're a great friend.

3) To Max and Leo, who could have misbehaved a lot today, but never really chose to. I'd like to think that at least Max understood when I asked him to be good today, but who knows? In any case, you guys helped make things go smoothly. Thanks.

Hopefully, this will be the start of many more outings for Holly. She deserves it. Although, honey, maybe next time choose an activity that doesn't have you coming home battered and bruised :)

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