Thursday, January 5, 2012

First Museum Adventure of 2012

It is no secret that the boys LOVE the amazing museums in this city and we are lucky enough to have family memberships to five of the six big national museums in town. John had Monday, January 2nd, off and it was our last day of holidays all together so we decided to go the Canadian Science and Technology Museum. It is one of the boys' favourites (Trains to climb on! The Crazy Kitchen! Awesome play areas! But not the big bonging clock for Max...) and no matter how busy the parking lot seems, it never seems that busy inside. Genius.

They have a great computer exhibit called Connexions where you can email a photo postcard from the Museum to family and friends. The boys wanted to send these all over the country to various folks so I sent them to our home address to be posted here for everyone. You can actually see parts of all of us in these postcards (John is wearing Henry):

There is also a snowmobile ride that mimics the motion and noise of a fast snowmobile ride pretty darn well, minus the icy wind in your face. The last crazy snowmobile ride I had was on the back of John's much-loved and missed cousin Joey's snowmobile going way too fast through the flatlands of rural Manitoba. I loved every minute! This indoor version was a bit tame by comparison but it was great to share the experience with Max and Leo.

The boys were so tired from running around that we got a rare and wonderful triple nap for part of the afternoon. Awesome!!!

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