There have been some sleep blips lately, but Henry has at least taken to allowing himself to be fed back to sleep rather quickly instead of the old practice of hanging out with one of us, quite awake, for a couple of hours in the middle of the night before passing out again. This new schedule keeps us from needing emergency sleep in the mornings, so we're very VERY thankful for that.
I also feel like I'm getting a better sense of his rhythm, knowing when he's hungry-cranky and when he's tired-cranky. His stamina during the daytime is a little less impressive than before - he at least grabs 20-30 minutes every three hours - and he's even let me take care of him and his brothers on my own a couple of times to get Mom a smidgeon of time to herself out of the house, including a whole movie!
I feel like the best part right now is how smiley Henry gets just by putting him down on a surface and making silly faces at him. Yesterday, he started the Stardom tradition of going to Hush-a-Bye classes so over the next little while, he'll probably start giggling when we start sharing songs and dance with him. "Charlie Chaplin went to France" is already a big hit, as is "Zoom Zoom Zoom". Henry and his smiles definitely make every day better.
It feels like Henry's first three months have whipped by. I'm really looking forward to the things coming over the next few month: rolling over, more productive tummy time, more smiles, more dances, more song recognition, time in the Exersaucer, Tebowing and solving differential equations.
Here are a few recent snaps of our little dude:
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