Saturday, March 5, 2011

The big 2-0

That's right - Leo turned 20 months this past Thursday. And that day, he treated us with a special gift: saying his name for the first time. He can't really say "Leo", so instead, what he says is "LIE-LOW". As in the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch. It's so cute.

Here are a couple more videos:

This is Leo at Ottawa's Asian superstore, waving at the fish in the tank. Tilapia, I think. Good thing he and Max didn't look up - a woman had just ordered a fish and the fishmonger was busy smashing it over the head with a mallet. At least it's fresh!

This one's a bit longer, but definitely worth it. This is the first time I'd ever seen Max read an entire book to Leo. OK, he's doing it by rote memory and not reading per se, but considering that I didn't even know that Max knew this book, it was a little shocking to see it happen the first time!

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