Sunday, February 27, 2011

Leo's brain explosion

No, I'm not talking about his head splitting in two via staircase crash or excessive vomiting. I'm actually referring to Leo's vocabulary taking a major step forward this past week. I've already referred to the fact that Leo has surprised us with how many words he had by 18 months, but now he's already taking the quantum leap forward to lots and lots of words (and of course, as a parent, what constitutes a word to me is actually just the ability to communicate something using some sounds that sound kind of right...although there's no denying that his "Hi" and "Bye" are solid). This past week alone, Leo has picked up HI, BYE, ME, LIGHT, SNOW, HAT, HAIR and MEOW. Plus, he's switched what a dog says from "WAWAWA" to something kind of like "YIP YIP YIP". It's cool to see his excitement at being able to get his ideas across to everyone.

Also, Leo has applied his brain explosion to his Hush-a-Bye class. He has really started mimicking the sounds and rhythms that we sing to him and has really taken to performing along to actions in class (walking in a circle holding hands, hopping, clapping, etc.) It's really cool to watch!

There are a couple of cute things that Leo does now that should also be mentioned. Within the last week, Leo has started delivering killer raspberries to everybody's exposed parts: arms, bellies, legs, whatever! Also, Leo has started giving the cutest little kisses - he puckers up, closes in for the kill (he prefers the lips) and then closes with a little smacking sound. They really are awesome. We now present a raspberry attack video, as well as a video of Leo making Lego people kiss.

Oh yeah, here's another cutie of Leo killing an ice cream cone.

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