Monday, March 7, 2011

A weekend well spent

We had a low-key but fabulous weekend at Casa Stardom so I thought I would share a few photos.

Friday night, Nana came over for dinner and then babysat the boys so John and I could get out to a movie. We saw “The Adjustment Bureau” with Matt Damon and Emily Blunt. It was frothy fun. We did get to see it in an Ultra AVX theatre so the seats were huge and comfy and the sound was great.

On Saturday, I took the boys to our regular Saturday playgroup at Hilson Public School near our old house. It is a great group of parents and kids. It was pouring rain on Saturday so it was great to have somewhere to take the boys to run around for a few hours. All of the mums and babies (now toddlers) with whom I hung around while I was off with Leo come to this playgroup so it is a great way to see friends and stay connected. After playgroup, I had a great squash match in the early afternoon.

After Leo woke up from his nap, we headed off to Carlingwood Mall to pick up a few things for dinner and get the boys a treat: a Booster Juice and a ride on the mall's mini carousel. It has three seats so we treated two other kids to rides too. Actually, a complete stranger treated the boys and a little girl to the second ride. I told the boys that I didn’t have any more loonies (the truth!) and this woman just gave me a loonie “to keep the kids happy”. It was a lovely random act of kindness.

Max has really been getting into cooking and helping us cook lately. When he gets into cooking mode, he dons a Cars apron and pulls out a little blue Rubbermaid stool so that he can get up to the counter. Max helped me make dinner on Saturday night and then, after dinner, the boys went to bed and Kerry came over for an impromptu games night. Super fun!

On Sunday morning, we woke up to a winter wonderland with a blanket of fresh snow. After Max helped me make French toast, we headed out for a walk in Hampton Park, where the boys enjoyed an awesome ride through the snow and visited with a bunch of dogs out for a walk. We warmed up with some hot chocolate and then (miracle of miracles) we all napped for part of the afternoon. Max hadn’t napped in more than two weeks and he was waaaayyyy overdue. After our nap, we headed over to Nana and Auntie Karen’s for a lovely Sunday dinner. After dinner, Auntie Karen offered to take the boys so we could play a game with Nana. Four games of Settlers in one weekend – heaven!! The boys enjoyed chocolate cake and videos and we capped the evening with our regular Sunday night dance party:)

Here are some photos:

Max with his heart-shaped French toast (his request).

The boys have so many awesome aunts that it warrants cool aunt t-shirts.

Leo and Auntie Karen enjoying the dance party.

The boys rocking out - Max with his axe and Leo on the mic.

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