All in all, it was a most fabulous weekend. We started off Saturday in great spirits as Max slept through the night again and woke up with smiles. John was able to spend some morning time with us before leaving for Kingston which was great. Mid-morning, Auntie Laramie and her friend A picked us up for a lovely breakfast at Bramasole Diner and John jetted off. Max was a big hit, although he wasn't fond of the egg whites from Auntie L's poached eggs. He normally loves the egg white so much more than the yolk when he has a choice but I think these may have tasted a little funny because of the vinegar in the poaching water. He proceeded to dump them all on the floor but he enjoyed his bits of toast and French toast. Lar and A treated us to breakfast which was a lovely surprise.
Auntie L and Max had lots of playtime, including this little kissing session:
After breakfast, we were dropped off at Hilson for the weekly community playgroup. I really wanted to go this week because there was a "Family Disco" event planned. When we arrived, all of the older kids were gathered around a clown and the littler kids were either crying and/or in their parents' arms. What is it about clowns? The Disco portion of the event consisted of some music being played while everyone danced a bit manically. It was pretty funny to watch all of the parents do a very exaggerated version of the Chicken Dance. What is it about parents making fools of themselves for their kids? Max was content to sit in my lap for a half hour and catch up with old friends from our little playgroup. Once the music and clown show was over, Max proceeded to run around the gym for a while chasing balls and then had a little snack. He fell asleep in the sling on the way home and I managed to get him in the crib with no trouble. He then proceeded to nap for almost three hours!!! I was starting to get a bit worried but I had the monitor on and he was totally fine. He woke up and we had a snack. Then Grandma H called from Renfrew, en route to Ottawa, to invite us to dinner at Swiss Chalet.
After hanging out a bit at home, we three headed to the restaurant. The service was quite absymal so we were waiting quite a long time for food and drinks. Max was content for the first little while but then decided that he needed to run around. It was the first time in a long, long, LONG while that Max hasn't been on his best behaviour at a restaurant. He wasn't a terror but he was restless so we took turns eating and supervising and got dessert to go (which was fine considering that the coconut cream pie was frozen solid! Nice one, Swiss, nice one). Of course, he charmed other patrons on his restaurant walkabout. I have a few theories about it but I think the most promising one is that he had spent most of the afternoon sleeping then sat in his high chair for a late afternoon snack so he was in "run around and play" mode rather than "sit in a high chair" mode. We retired home for a bit of play time then Max went to bed around 8.
Another awesome night followed with no wake-ups and a blissful sleep in. I didn't get out of bed until 7:50 am. I guess I won the sleep lottery. We had some nice playtime upstairs and a bath before heading downstairs for a big breakfast. Grandma H arrived at 11 to take Max to gymnastics and drop off some delicious potato, leek and bacon soup for my lunch. They had a nice adventure at gymnastics and I puttered at home. Max had some lunch when he got back then slept from 2 - 4 pm. Too bad we had a birthday party invitation from 2 - 4! Happy birthday, Samuel, and sorry that we couldn't make it to your party.
Our awesome weekend was capped off with an impromptu dinner invitation to Auntie Kerry's place - pepper steak, baked potatoes and broccoli. Yum!!! As my mum said to me in the car this morning, "you did really well for food this weekend". I couldn't have said it better. Dinner with Kerry was lovely - good food, great company and some funny Max moments. Max even sat in one of Kerry's dining room chairs to eat. We propped him up on a comforter and he sat nicely like a big boy for a long while. He then proceeded to amuse himself with Kerry's Blackberry, bottles of Diet Coke, and various bits from the recycle bins. We left around 7:30 and Max was in bed by 8. The evening was another reminder of how fabulous it is to have one of our very best friends as our neighbour.
It was awesome to spend so much one on one time with Max this weekend. I really, really missed him when I was in Washington. It was also a fabulous opportunity to spend some quality time with two of my other favourite people, my mum and Kerry. We are so very lucky to have family and friends near.
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