Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 1

Well, I thought I'd blog each of my days at home to keep Mom in the loop:) Today will be the only long one as I'll only have a few hours with Max over the next couple of days.

Today was a long day, but a good one. Max got up at about 3 and never really went back to bed by 4, when Holly had to get up and get ready for the ride to the airport. Grandma H, who had kindly spent the night to allow me to do the airport run without having to bundle Max up, got up too so that when Great Auntie M showed up at 4:15, three adults and one baby were awake and ready to greet her. I'd like to chalk the wake-up to teething, but who knows anymore. I'll only be certain when I see a tooth.

I got back from the airport and Max and Grandma were both conked out again. They stayed that way until 7:30 (IMPRESSIVE) and then everyone got their day started. The early morning featured some breakfast time and playtime. Then, Max was getting squirrely and I was itching to get outside. Snow was flying and I felt like shoveling so Max and I headed out to the driveway to take care of business. Max started with hanging on to the light plastic black shovel, then moved up to the heavier yellow shovel. Finally, he got a piece of the scoop. Truth be told, Max ended up riding in the scoop a bit before I decided that we were getting a bit cold. Problem was that it was only 30 minutes until we had to leave for gym class so I didn't want to have to get Max out of his snowsuit. So off we went to the mall. Carlingwood rents out these little strollers so I picked one up to do a lap of the mall and then we went off to gymnastics.

Max had a good time at gym and blew me away by actually walking the length of a balance beam (with help and a few slips, but considering last week he wouldn't even stand on the beam, I was amazed). The other thing he had fun with was when I lifted him up by his legs with a bar behind his knees. I lifted him to a height where he could wheelbarrow-walk and he took off! Awesome. He interacted a bit with the other kids throughout the class and made it all the way through without getting trampo-trampled.

When we got back to the house, it was sleep time for Max while I puttered a bit. The nap was relatively short lived and was followed by lunch (featuring some yummy cheesy eggs). After lunch, we hopped back in Auntie M's borrowed truck (thank you, lifesaver!) to return some defective boots and look for some treats for Max. After that excursion, we got home, packed up some grub and headed out for a dinner date with auntie Kerry. Pizza, wings, baby food and the NFC championship game at Whispers made for a fine evening. What a great way to cap the day before heading off to sleep.

Sorry for not getting any pictures up today, I'll do my best to post some tomorrow.

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