As I mentioned yesterday, I'm not going to have too much to say today. Although I will let it slip that last night was rough. Little dude got up wailing at 1 and wouldn't go back to bed in his crib, so I hauled him into bed with me. Eventually, we both passed out, but Max got up again at 3 and 5. What are you Max, 4 months old? :) The silver lining was that when he got up at 5, he was making noises like he was up for good. He started crawling toward the foot of the bed, presumably to mess with Lily. I couldn't be bothered just yet: still tucked under the sheets, I put one leg toward the edge of the bed to that I'd know if he was making a break and the other toward the middle so that Max and Lily were confined in the V of my legs. After a bit (seconds? a minute? I have no idea), I realized that I wasn't hearing Max or Lily. Usually, Lily would get a little snarky if Max was in her grill, so I lifted my head to check what was going on. There was no sign of Lily - I don't think she was ever there - but Max was passed out face down on top of the duvet. I figured my legs were placed in such a way that if he were to get up, my alarm would be tripped so I checked out too. In about 15 minutes, he stirred and crawled toward the middle of the bed and then passed out again. This happened again one more time before he eventually did get up. It seriously looked like he was trying to take a victory lap of the bed, but was just too tired to execute. I'd never seen him sleep on top of blankets like that before - pretty weird.
In any case, it was a slow slog this morning, as the snow that was falling when I took Holly to the airport was still coming down. So Max had a bath, ate, got dressed, got dropped off, and then I came back here to tidy up the driveway. I hate plows.
After work, I picked Max up (he was helping his daycare provider shovel her driveway!) and we headed over to Great Auntie K's for a wonderful dinner. I have to take a second out to thank GAK for the wonderful dinner as well as her generosity this past month and a bit with providing us with her car when she didn't need it. The ongoing transit strike in Ottawa has made it pretty awful for me to get Max off to daycare and then get in to work before doing the reverse trip at the end of the day...and that's been with access to a car. On foot, the past 6 weeks would have been unbearable. I don't know how some people in town are getting by - we are very fortunate to have such good people around us willing to lend a hand. So thank you.
After dinner, Max was pooped and went straight to bed. I'm on my way right after this is done to hopefully get some extra sleep in before Max gets up tonight. But first, as promised, here is a whole whack of pictures from our holidays:

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