Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snow Day

Wow, are we ever in the middle of a doozy. Max has been asleep most of the day and Holly and I have been relaxing when not shoveling. If he were older, he would certainly be over the moon. We're about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way through the expected 30-50 cm of snow since last night and the plows are working overtime. Given that we're not in Toronto, it's not like the army has been called in for support or anything. I'm not sure if my office will open tomorrow and the prospect of a snow day with my little guy has me giddy. Here are some pictures:

The necessary "before" picture, taken last night just past midnight. That's Grandma H's car in the driveway (PS THANK YOU!!! for lending us the use of your car so often - Max loves his Maxmobile Sport.

Our front yard at about the storm didn't change the car into an SUV - that's the original Maxmobile that the little guy used to come home from the hospital. THANK YOU Auntie M for the frequent use of the MM!

The side of our house - the TMan's car has been stranded in our driveway for the winter. For a carless family, we sure do have a lot of cars this weekend!

Our backyard. That pile on the right is the top of our barbecue - high enough that the clothesline is eaten up by the drift.

Max, oblivious to all the storminess, having a nap.

So I'm looking forward to seeing how things develop tomorrow, but not to the next pass of the *%#$ plough.

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