Sunday, July 11, 2010

Week 1 is in the bag

After four glorious weeks with two adults at home, Holly went off to resume her professional life last Monday and I started my time as stay-at-home Dad. Not everything went smoothly, but there were no major disasters (i.e., both kids are alive, all body parts are still attached, they are reasonably happy and well-fed) so I'd give my first week off a B+. Generally, the week was pretty busy and so we were out of the house doing things quite a bit...this was great for accomplishing things and passing the time, but not so great for Leo's naps or my energy levels. Plus, taking part in a workplace picnic on Wednesday cost Max a nap and resulted in a wonky end-of-week (sleepwise) for him.

This next week is still relatively unplanned, although it should repeat a few elements of the first week (CVO playgroup, library time, possibly another hit of Cosmic Adventures, constant errand-running) with a dash of something new thrown in (Leo's 1-year check-up, maybe some wading pool time, an outside shot of taking Max to Bluesfest). We'll see.

A big thanks to Holly's playgroup moms and babies who were very welcoming when I stopped in for a visit this past week. Leo definitely loves time with his peeps.

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