Sunday, June 20, 2010

We're alive

I promise, a lengthy post or series of posts is pending.

I just logged on and saw the title of our previous post, that Leo was now crawling. Man, that feels like an eternity ago. May was a crazy month, filled with visits from afar and the end of work for John. On the last day of the month, we left on a two-week tour of British Columbia to visit family and friends. We got back earlier this week, but have been primarily concerned with realigning the sleep situations of our little ones, who were locked into Pacific time for a bit there. The ship seems to have been righted at this point, so perhaps tonight or tomorrow night, I'll sit down and finally put some thoughts and pictures down in the blog.

Just to give you a taste of what's new for Leo, though, he has two new teeth, can climb up stairs (but certainly not down), is eating pretty much everything but citrus, shellfish and nuts, has suffered through two ear infections, has learned to point, is infinitely happier/smilier and has probably spoken his first two words (mama=mom and nana=banana). Wow, that's a lot.

Anyway, I promise there's more to come soon.

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