This past Mothers Day, I was sick as a dog and had to duck out of a special brunch invitation from the boys' Auntie Laramie at the restaurant where she works. It sounds like it was a heckuva good time and that the food was really good (endless shrimp! dessert buffet! omelette station!). Dang. Here are a couple of pictures from the brunch.
After the morning of rest, I rallied a bit so that Holly could hang out with some friends at a local art festival (super cool) and then, after nap time, it was time for our annual Moms Day ritual - heading on down to Dow's Lake to take some pictures with the tulips. Well, this year was something else. After that 30 degree Easter weekend, there were more hot temps in early May and all this coaxed the tulips out of the ground quite a bit early. Mothers Day Weekend is usually the time for tulips to shine. Instead, we had this:
Yes, those are toques and mitts we are wearing. There were snow flurries! All was not lost though; there were plenty of other tulip beds that were still in full bloom and we had the run of the place. No waiting for everyone else to take their pictures - we just snapped away. The gray day also made for good light.
Another bonus of the chilly weather was that we pretty much had the displays all to ourselves so we could talk to the staff and have a little fun with the Dutch and WWII artifacts:
On the way home from the tulips, we grabbed some pizza and had a nice quiet evening. All in all, it was a really nice day despite the frigid weather. We are pretty lucky to have the Tulip Festival in town and it is a nice way to spend part of Mother's Day. It is also a really cool opportunity to take some photos of Holly and the boys as Holly spends more time behind the camera than in front of it.
1 comment:
Yay. The stardpms are back. Greetings from sackville nb where visiting Sarah k and dave. Sativa is living in Cornwall but will be back in ptbo this fall. Xo
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