Saturday, May 8, 2010

Crawling update

See, I was going to post a little something on Tuesday to let everybody know that Leo had officially slept through the night for the first time since that first day post-swaddle. But, with 2.75 years of experience behind me, I'm pretty aware of what happens when one tempts fate with blogging. So I let it go and, sure enough, Leo slept poorly Tuesday night and then caught a cold on Wednesday. So we're back to square one for a while, but we know that given good health, Leo is capable of pulling an all-nighter. We're both looking forward to a couple of those in a row:)

The main purpose of this post is to give all of you an update on Leo's crawling escapades. I was editing my May 1 post today and it struck me as funny that just 7 days ago, he was crawling for the first time. Four days ago, he was a total pro. Two days ago, he started to help himself up to his feet and yesterday he started sidling on tables and things (cruising). Seven days. Unbelievable. He's so into moving around that it's getting difficult to keep him in his Exersaucer or highchair for any length of time. So, for a little while at least, we're going to miss out on being able to turn our back on Leo for any real amount of time. I'm curious as to whether he'll be walking before his birthday. Max was an almost-13-monther so that's kind of what I'm anticipating. It will be interesting if things develop much differently for Leo.

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