Case 1: About a month ago, Max and I were chilling on my bed and I was sending my fellow March Madness poolies an email with a standings update. Max asked what I was doing and I said "sending somebody a letter". I kept typing and about five seconds later, Max said "How about A?". Hilarious.
Case 2: Holly was chatting with Max, telling him about all of the wonderful things that he was going to do this summer with Leo: play in the park, ride his trike, read some books . . . Max then interjected, saying "Actually, there are no books at the park". Touché.
Case 3: Dinnertime about a month ago - rainbow trout, peas and egg noodles with parmesan are on the menu with juice on the side. Max is in heaven. Out of nowhere, in the middle of eating, Max looks at Holly and says "Thank you for this yummy dinner, Mama." Holly may have shed a tear.
Case 4: Later that same night, Max was hanging out with Holly on the couch when he erupted with an "I love you" to her. Then he came over to the table, where I was wrapping up dinner with Leo. Max gushed "I love you too. I love you Leo. I LOVE EVERYBODY!" Awesome.
Case 5: Holly was getting some strawberries for Max to put the cap on this same wonderful evening. Max said "Go Team Go! Go Mama Go!" He had been saying "Go Team Go!" for a while in a hockey sense but that was definitely the first "Go Mama Go!" Quite the trifecta of memorable musings all on the same night.
Case 6: Max comes up to Holly and begs "I need help with playing". Um, OK.
The dinner table has been quite the showcase for Max of late. A few weeks ago, he was counting the carrots on his plate and just suddenly counted from 1 to 10 for the first time that either of us had heard. It was SO cool. We've been working on his numbers for a long time and it was just this eureka moment for us to hear him put it all together. He is also trying to conjugate verbs in the past tense by adding -ed to rather hilarious effect - "I go-ed" and "I bring-ed" are two of our favourites. Just tonight, he said that an Ottawa Senator had "spitt-ed" when he was watching the hockey game.
We're also mourning the end of a few very cute Maxisms around here. He used to tack an S on every word that ended with f - "all by myselfs" and "take it offs" - but recently just dropped the S suddenly. Bowahwah (bulldozer), Coomuhmuh (cucumber) and Gogoday (motorcycle) have also kicked the bucket. At least he is still saying "Ggiraffe" (pronounced guijeraffe). Yes, he puts a hard g at the beginning of giraffe.
Finally, I've always wondered what Max has thought of Leo's crying/screaming. I mean, Max obviously loves his little brother, but Leo's not all rainbows and sunshine. Until a week ago, Max had never really said anything. Finally, FINALLY, Leo broke his older brother. On the way home from Nana's Sunday dinner, Leo was crying and Max said, after 9 long months, "he hurting my ears!" I can't believe that in all this time, with all that crying, that Max has always kept mum. But he has finally let us know that sometimes, he is affected.
Max still loves his bro.
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