Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Max's backseat musings

Max, Leo and I were in the van last night to pick up John at work when Max and I had the following conversation:

Me: Look, Max, it's the bus.
Max: It full of people Mama.
Me: Yes, Max. Everyone is going home for dinner. Mummies and daddies are going home from work and the big kids are coming home from school to have dinner with their mummies and daddies.
Max: And grandmas! And GGs! And grandpas!

My heart pretty much melted into a puddle on the spot. John and I marvel all the time how Max has been able to form such an amazing bond with his grandparents and great-grandparents, considering that all but one of them live out of town. I guess we help a little with lots of stories, maps, and photos of out-of-town family. He talks about the important people in his life all the time and remembers the funniest details from phone conversations and visits that happened months ago. He really is a little sponge!

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