Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Max miscellany

It's funny, about five months ago, we set out to write down a list of all of the words that Max could say. Holly was sure it was about 100, I thought it was about double that. Within two or three days of brainstorming and listening to Max, we ran out of space on a two-sided sheet of note paper. Plus we were forgetting words. Plus he was picking up new stuff all the time, including multi-word the end, we kind of gave up because the vocabulary was exploding too quickly.

I'm thinking about this because these days, I feel like we could attempt to do the same exercise, but scribbling down cool phrases that he uses that we would have never expected him to know or use properly by 29 months. The result would be the same - every day he says something new that blows our minds. For example, tonight he wanted to have seconds of pasta but we wanted him to eat some more veggies first. He was actually wily enough to take the last carrot he was to eat and palm it under the table, saying "it's all gone". Holly busted him and everyone laughed pretty hard.

Another phrase that he has started using A LOT to deflect blame from himself when he's getting into things that he shouldn't be getting into is "I just looking". Yeah right. Where did he even get this anyway? Must be daycare. The problem is that he says this while he's totally manhandling whatever he's just looking at. The best was when he was trying to break into a box of Smarties that he was "just looking" at.

He has also started to engage Holly and I verbally, by asking questions like "Member when..." or "What farmer drives?" as if to test us. Holly tells me that today, they drove by a storefront that used to have some Santas in it at Christmas. Max said "There no Santas in window" and then, after a moment of silence "Member I saw Santa on fire truck on street?", totally making reference to the Christmas parade TWO MONTHS AGO. That long-term memory really seems to be kicking in.

The last one that I find hilarious is a new one. Max has a couple of books that have somewhat-hidden objects on each page that the reader is supposed to find. Kind of like a toddler Where's Waldo with stuff. Max believes that books serve a single purpose...there are books for reading and books for finding. God forbid you read a word of text in a finding book or he will hit you with a "This book not for reading, it for finding!"

Here's a video for you - often we let videos go too long, waiting for something special to happen. This one was the opposite. It's a video of Max reading to Leo and 2 seconds after I stopped the video he actually said "That's a great book". Holly and I looked at one another, disappointed. But at least we shared the moment :)

NOTE: I've heard that some of the videos have been unavailable lately. I'm not sure if it's a Blogger issue, a browser issue or something else. Tonight I had no trouble with the videos so I'm not sure what's up.

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