Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Adios Kirkwood, bonjour Dovercourt!

I know we owe our small but dedicated group of readers a number of posts, photos and videos but a short text update with one photo will have to do.

Although I'm writing this today, yesterday was our official moving day. I had to work so John supervised the movers and my amazing mum joined John at the new house around noon to commence the unpacking. I was mightily impressed to see Max's room mostly set up and our bed set up and made by the time I got home from work. Many kitchen boxes were also unpacked and a few loads of random stuff had been collected from the old place. Much to Max's delight, his BFF Auntie K came over with a family friend C for some unpacking and dinner. Auntie K kept Max occupied most of the night so we were able to get lots more done. Thanks to C for treating us to our first meal in our new home too! Ho-Lee-Chow 4eva!

Max seemed to really like the new space. We're not sure if he understands that he is not just visiting this new place; time will tell. For now, the onslaught of toys and books he hadn't seen in at least 2 months is keeping him busy. I also don't think he knows what to do in his new monster-sized room. He was running around in circles last night ripping books out of the bookshelf and toys out of the toy chest. He slept well and only got up an hour earlier than normal which was no small miracle considering that there are no window coverings on the giant window in his room!

We were definitely sad to leave our place on Kirkwood but we are excited to start a new adventure in our new place. I think we'll always have a soft spot for our first home but this space is going to work so much better for everyone. Max and John are off on an adventure to visit Grampa Stardom in Grand Forks, BC first thing tomorrow morning so I'll have a few days on my own to get more unpacking and setting up done. Max is going to have so much fun exploring the farm with his grampa!

Here's Max playing amongst the rubble

1 comment:

kenny said...

Uh, wait a minute. I'm cool Auntie K, but not BFF Auntie K? I'm not cool with that! One of us needs a new name!