Sunday, May 31, 2009

You take the good...

Max's Bs are coming along nicely. He is well on his way to saying BIRD, and BALL and BOAT are no problem. He is still working on BUS.

After three nights of "hey! it's dark outside and you're still tired...let's play!", Max took it to the next logical step last night: "hey! it's dark outside and you're still tired...I'm up, but I'd really like to sleep. On the count of 3, I'll start whining or crying and will continue to do so until you figure out how to soothe me. 1. 2. 3..."

This game is far less entertaining than the previous one. Possible causes: teething (his other two bottom front teeth are coming in) or this congestion issue he has. Advil is useless. Temp is in the 100-101 range constantly. I think it's time for a trip to the clinic tomorrow.

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