I took this photo on Monday night after we finished signing all of the papers to sell our current place. The cool guy on the right is our realtor, Al. We are SO excited. Everything went really fast once we did all of the legwork to get the place ready to put on the market. We put it on the market on Friday, accepted an offer the following Tuesday, and signed all of the final papers this past Monday after a home inspection earlier that day. It is such a relief to have this one sold. I finally feel like we can start making plans for our new place without jinxing anything. Thanks again to everyone for their time, labour, love and support. We are so lucky!
I also wanted to write a quick post about our super cool weekend. Our friend JB was up for one of her frequent weekend jaunts from Toronto. On Friday night, we stepped out to one of the diviest spots in our old neighbourhood for some karaoke. It was a BLAST. There are SO many stories (some definitely not bloggable) but I'll go with a few highlights:
- awesome, awesome crowd in da house! So many friends that the regulars were looking mighty put out that they didn't have the place to themselves all night.
- Kerry rapping "It Takes Two" and starting a spontaneous dance party, which brought a bunch of people who we didn't know from the back to the front of the bar. Including some guy who hugged Kerry - pure awesomeness.
- me duetting "You're So Vain" with my colleague S who just happened to stop by with her husband to see what all the fuss was about
- John bringing down the house with a little Kriss Kross
- some random stranger shouting "We need a midget!" as our friend Jared's friend D from Montreal did an awesome rendition of "We Can Dance". Apparently, a midget figures prominently in the video.
- Laramie's friend J doing some sweet crooning.
- seeing two friends who are normally in bed by 9 am still out at midnight and having a good time.
Here are some photos of our karaoke adventure:
Kerry rocks the mic.
Spontaneous dance party. John approves.
Laramie and John cutting a rug.
It was such a fun night! We definitely paid for it in the morning but it was worth it. Max was good enough not to wake up while the babysitter was there but got up at 2 am and then up for good at 5 am. I took the first shift as John had closed the karaoke place the night before and gone for pizza. I was definitely a zombie mummy.
On Saturday morning, my friend M and I hit this giant kids' stuff garage sale at a local arena. It was a total mob scene, including people RUNNING from the parking lot to get in the door. It was actually more civilized inside and both M and I picked up a few things. My major score was a small board book made up entirely of pictures of trucks. This is Max's new favourite book. I think we've read it multiple times a day since I brought it home on Saturday. A pretty good score for $1.25! Max had an early nap after his early start so we had a nice afternoon of window shopping on Bank Street while John got his hair cut, although JB and I were in the dog house because we didn't save him any cookies. We went to the Green Door for a late lunch and then spent the evening at home hanging out and playing Scrabble.
On Sunday, we hit a little neighbourhood restaurant called the Local Bar for brunch. The food was fabulous and the place was deserted so Max could run around and amuse himself. The place is actually closing in mid-May which is a shame because I definitely could see us going back there. Here is JB and John at brunch:
I spent the rest of Sunday hosting a baby shower with Kerry for our friend Jessa. Jessa is due mid-June so we threw her a little afternoon shindig at Kerry's place. Yummy food, good friends and lots of laughs made for a lovely afternoon. I think I gained a few pounds eating Donna's brown butter sandwich cookies alone. Here's a photo of the shower gang:
I don't want to neglect Mr. Max as he is the actual star of this blog. All in all, Max had a bit of a rough weekend. He was really irritable, clingy and shy. He normally loves JB but he was acting up with her the whole weekend. We're not really sure what is going on with him these days. There is a LOT of change going on with all of the house stuff and my ever-expanding belly so we think this might have something to do with it. He is also developing his own likes and dislikes and I think he lacks the necessary communications skills to tell us what he wants sometimes. Although we are managing with a combination of words, signs and us pointing at things and asking questions. He has also become extremely clingy to us, even around people that he knows well like my mum. I think "No!" was his favourite word the last few times he and my mum were together. Oh well. I'm hoping that it is a phase and he'll work it out.
He definitely enjoyed this treat (whipped cream). What kid doesn't love to lick the beaters?
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