It has been a slog but I have to admit that the house looks great. It doesn't really look like our house anymore but it is definitely open and spacious. It looks like a blank canvas for someone else's things/life and that is the look we were aiming for.
We are heavily indebted to everyone that has helped us these last few weeks - loading the 16 foot storage container, doing yard work, waiting for repairmen, installing curtains, storing our stuff, lending us furniture, linens and accessories, hanging photos, arranging furniture, driving us to Home Depot, cleaning, playing with Max and much, much more. We couldn't have done it without all of your help. There will be many thank-you dinners when this is all over.
I really wish that we had taken some before photos to show you the difference but you will have to go on memory of what our house looked like. I think the biggest transformations were turning our storage room (packed to the gills with party supplies, camping equipment, Christmas decor, etc.) into a handy little office and our garage (also full of stuff) into a mini gym and hang out space. The living room is also really different. None of these transformations could really have been accomplished with all of our junk in the house so the off-site storage really came into play while setting up these spaces.
Here is the link to our MLS listing so you can see for yourself:
click here!
There is also a "virtual tour" you can take from this site with some panoramic shots and more still photos (click on multimedia near the top left of the screen, right under the MLS #).
Here are a few other photos related to house stuff:
Max gets in on the cleaning action with one of his favourite activities.
John leaving the house just before the first showing yesterday morning.
Max digs into one of the display granny smith apples in our new kitchen seating area. He has become quite the apple monster of late. He finished half that apple last night.
The house went on the market this past Friday. Prior to today's open house, we had four other showings, so a lot of eyes have already been through the house. We're very optimistic at this point that someone will fall in love with this house like we did five years ago. Fingers crossed...we'll keep you posted.
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