From Sunday to Thursday, Max was getting to bed at 7:00 or 7:30 and sleeping until around 5 with the cat-nap taking him to just before 7. Holly and I were loving our new evenings together and the fact that the morning Max delivery plan actually worked out. What a great week!
And then came Friday morning. Now, I should briefly mention that Max and Grandma went to swimming on Thursday night...and apparently had a great time. Max reportedly does not like being splashed by other kids but doesn't mind getting himself all wet. But I digress...and the swimming likely has nothing to do with this past weekend.
Friday morning, Max was VERY cranky and actually fell asleep on the way to daycare. This is quite a feat, considering that it's a 10-minute walk. He was not happy when I dropped him off and I was only about 25% surprised when I got a call from the center where he has his play group saying that I needed to come get him because he wasn't himself. And by "wasn't himself", they meant "slept through play group" and "was burning up". Yikes.
I picked Max up and, sure enough, he was super shmoopy (def: cuddly, lethargic, not feeling well). He conked out on the way home and then did not object to being put in his crib immediately upon arrival. I snuck him out of his rain suit and some of his clothes to vent his 103-degree fever and woke him up just enough to give him some drugs. What happened next was pretty much put on loop throughout the whole weekend as a backbeat to everything else going on: sleep, wake up warm (103), get drugged, feel better (99-100), run around like normal Max, get cranky and tired, repeat. It's now Monday morning and I think we're in cycle #10.
This of course messed up the glorious sleep routine Max had established. We had lots of action between one and four each night, so we got the chance to flex our stiff "new parent" muscles. Hopefully things will settle down quickly this week.
It should also be said that we actually had a good weekend. Our friend JB came to visit us from Toronto (looking fine!!). She spent the whole weekend with us, eating well, playing Scrabble and getting some good outdoors-in-Ottawa time in while the weather is still strangely warm for November. It was great to catch up and show off all of Max's new bells and whistles that he'd developed over the past four months. Max's grandma also came over for a visit and some Ethiopian food on Friday night. Even (especially?) with a little sicko on our hands, it was great to have some company.
I'll leave you with a picture of shmoopy.
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