Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Diagnosis: ear infection

OK, so Holly took Max in to the walk-in clinic on Monday and after waiting for the 45 minutes shown on the Internet as the waiting time, she waited another 135. All this to get Max in to see our favourite walk-in doc, Dr. O. Our pediatrician was booked up for the day, so this was plan B. Dr. O is so good with patients. Holly has half a mind to tell him to start up his own practice so that we can flood him with referrals. We'd do it.

After poking and prodding, he declared that Max had an ear infection in both ears. Holly said something to the effect of "phew - that's all", at which point, Dr. O freaked out, saying "That's all?? Do you have any idea how much that must hurt?". I think Holly simply wanted to express relief that we finally knew what was going on and that it wasn't something contagious - I would have probably said the same thing.

My mom told me that I was just rife with ear infections as a little tyke, so I guess what comes around, goes around. However, I seem to remember getting a lot of banana Amoxicillin while Max ended up with the mixed berry variety. Apparently he'll finish off all of his doses sometime next week.

Hopefully Max starts to feel better soon!!

Here are a couple of treats for our readers:

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