Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Arigato, Max!

We know that our kid is pretty awesome most of the time but sometimes, he is so super cool that we have to make special note of it. This is one of those posts.

This past Saturday night, we had the opportunity to visit our favourite all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant (thanks to Grandma H for lending us the car for the weekend). We hadn't been there since a very eventful and delicious dinner with Uncle M and our friend Is in August.

Max had been a little cranky earlier in the day but we managed to get him down for a mini-nap in the late afternoon and left for the restaurant as soon as he got up. We got our very own little booth and Max settled nicely into his high chair and started playing with everything. He even started flirting with two ladies at the table next to us. I think they fell in love with him.

We had brought some food from home but we barely needed any of it as Max dined out on various Japanese delicacies. He started with some yam tempura, mowed an avocado roll and a half and some udon noodles, and finished with some mango ice cream. If this dinner was any indication, Max has clearly inherited our love of Japanese food.

All in all, it was a lovely evening. Max was completely pleasant and kept himself (and us!) entertained in his chair without whining for attention or to get out. We didn't feel at any point like we were rushing to finish up to avoid a baby meltdown. We just kicked back, enjoyed some time together and some good (for Ottawa) Japanese food. It honestly felt like a date night...even with Max there!

Max ponders his first-ever bite of avocado maki sushi.

Max vs. avocado roll - action shot!!

Max and Mom, loving family sushi night.

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