So the three of us were out on the town last night to celebrate a friend's birthday. Heck, Holly wore a skirt and makeup for the first time in Max's *entire* existence. She looked pretty good too. We were at a hip little restaurant and had ordered some pretty yummy-sounding meals when Max started to get fussy. I took him for a walk outside and he calmed right down, staring at the people and traffic like he normally does. We got back to the restaurant and set him up in his high chair to feed. I handed him half a Baby Mum-Mum rice cracker as an appetizer and as he was bringing it up to his mouth, he let out the most amazing stream of vomit we had ever seen. I mean, all we could do was stare. "How much does this baby hold?" was running through my mind.
When Max was younger, he spat up what seemed like a lot to us. Other people were always telling us he spat up a lot. So we were always checking the baby books to see what the "worry" threshold was. It seems that spitting up is OK until it becomes projectile. So, often, when Max would have his little spit-ups, we'd ask ourselves "was that projectile? What about that one?". Well, now we know. The restaurant was certainly projectile.
I whisked him away from the party (sadly - I was enjoying myself!), which was good because he lit up his car seat on the way home. Poor guy. So into the tub we went. We chilled for a while and then I gave him some apple sauce and a bottle on his way to sleep. We're not sure if it was some of the food he had (he had had a bunch of egg yolk hat lunch, so it's on probation, and some kidney beans the night before . . . and we've been suspicious of those for a while) or, as some of our reading turned up, the ingestion of "the infected secretions of a sore throat" (bleck), which fits the fact that he's been rolling with a pretty good cough since Thursday.
He's really working his way through the Baby Sickness 101 textbook this week (fever, rash, vomit, hacking cough), but we're super lucky to have made it this far without a real illness. I can only imagine how differently we would be handling this if he was only 1 or 2 months old. I think we run on some basic assumptions about his ability to recover from things (read: falls, sickness) that reduce the worry factor regarding things like throwing up and fevers that are high, but not too high. We just believe that he'll cry a bit then realize everything's cool, roll over and then look for the next coffee table to climb, with a smile on his face.
when i first read the title I thought BLLEEEUGUUUUGHH in the deep blue sea... but we did just go to the aquarium yesterday.
mado did her first projectile vomit after her first day of daycare, and it made me cry.
oof. that would be heartbreaking - mommy, this is the choice you have made in terms of my rearing and this is how I fell about it. Bleugahrrrf. So thanks.
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