When I woke up on Father's Day, it hadn't really sunk in that there was a new day to celebrate me and the things I do. I'm a dad now. How sweet is that? I got all reflective and mooshy that day and thought a lot about what the past 9 months (and the 9 before that:) had meant to me. Max is such a treat - calm, cheeky, mysterious, nimble, healthy, cute and awe-inspiring. A lot of positives (and even if I did have negatives to say, I wouldn't put them where he could read them in a few years - ha ha!!).
Max and Mommy treated me to a nice breakfast at Cora's, a primarily Ontario/Quebec brekkie-type place that puts a lot of emphasis on fresh fruit. It was really lovely. And kind of cool to look around the restaurant and see all of the other fathers getting taken out for their special days. It really made me feel like part of the club. See that guy over there? I've experienced some of the things he has. Totally cool. Things like that make me think a lot about my dad and where his mind might have been when he was my age. I'm in his club too now . . . (although now, I suppose he has silver status).
When we got home, we rested a bit and then packed up to go wander the streets of Westfest - a neighbourhood party that takes place all along Richmond, a street a few blocks from here. We showed up in time to catch a breakdancing expo and then
got caught in a massive downpour. We hung out under an awning for 20 minutes or so, waiting for it to pass. Max got a little wet, though, and was rocking some serious hair (pictured here). We grabbed some yummy Mexican food (well, Holly and I did. Max had stuff from a jar) where we heard a waitress describe mole sauce as "you kind of have to try it - it's really different. The people who like it, love it!". Yikes. Some ingredients please? While we were eating, another wave of rain hit. We tried to wait it out, but in the end just decided to walk home and get wet.
It was a great way to spend Father's day - time with my family, yummy food and good stories. Thanks to Holly and Max for making it happen! I want to share one last thing with you - some videos taken during our trip home from Cora's. It was windy in the car, Max's hair was awesome and the little guy was pretty tired. What a perfect storm of things to capture on video:
Table of contents:
1) Max loving the feel of the open road.
2) Max trying to sleep but giving one last mug for the camera.
3) Max alllmmmmoooost asleep but a car horn wakes him; Max takes swing at paparazzo.
4) Max passed out.
5) Dad having some fun at comatose Max's expense. Warning: uptight people might disapprove of the content of this video.