Thursday, May 29, 2008

New skills

Just a quick update that Max has finally gotten the hang of sitting. He's pretty good at doing it on dry land, but totally prefers crawling, so while he doesn't tend to stay seated for long, it's not for lack of balance or skill, it's that he wants to move. However, ever since Holly picked up a rubbery mat for the bottom of the tub, he has really taken to sitting unaided when having a bath. This frees up both hands to play with bath toys (which Holly used at Aquafit last week to keep him mellower in the pool...crafty).

Also, Max can now hold himself upright with a bit of help. He loves standing while holding onto the headboard of our bed, the seat of a chair, the bars of his crib (the outside, at least) and, as you can see, our couch with the cushions off. He has yet to find any pennies or dimes though. This ability to stand, combined with his love of adventure crawling over obstacles (like his parents), should prepare him nicely for doing something totally scary - like walking, say - before we're ready for it. Sigh. I'll take a deceleration in his motor skill development and an acceleration in his verbal skill development:)

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