Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Our baby can talk!

For a while now, I've been blown away by how Leo seems to be communicating well, using primarily words that I can understand. Well, he hit a new high last night.

Saturday, Leo was running a good fever and was generally not happy. He had picked up a cold earlier in the week so we had a feeling that things might go the ear infection route again. We drugged Leo, thinking that we might have to hit a walk-in clinic on Sunday, but then he was generally fine the next day. Monday night, though, Leo had a hard time getting to sleep - a lot of crying - and then at 11:00, he woke up shrieking and again had trouble getting back to sleep. I asked him if it hurt and he said "YEAH". I said "Does your mouth hurt?" (silence), "Does your nose hurt?" (silence) "Does your ear hurt?" ("YEAH"). Good enough for me.

We got him into the doctor's today and the diagnosis was confirmed. When I asked him which ear hurt, he indicated the correct one. We are so at that point where we can get really useful information out of Leo. Too bad the new meds tasted so bad that Leo threw up at lunch:( The second dose went down a little smoother. Yay jellybeans!

Here's Leo at T&T Supermarket, after he ordered us up a dim sum breakfast. OK, just kidding. He can't order dim sum just yet.

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