First of all, our friend Jenn from the T-dot came down to visit on Thursday and we were thrilled. Well, three of us were. Max, it seems, has a penchant for getting sick roughly half the times Jenn visits. And I don't mean the sniffles, I mean fever-sick. If I remember, Max was well the last time she came down. Which means...sure enough. Thursday evening we went to a book sale before heading home (yeah, like we need more kids' books) and then Max got shmoopy. He started muttering something about his mouth hurting and was pointing to his teeth. Nothing looked wrong...
Max didn't sleep so well and then in the morning was quite warm and cried a lot over his mouth. Then he "coughed up" all over me and my pajamas, miraculously missing the couch or anything else. Eventually, there were enough weird things going on that we figured we should take him to the doctor. Verdict: strep throat. The doctor missed it the first time around and then I mentioned the complaints about the mouth. He checked again and then showed me the nastiness in Max's throat (BLECH! Not quite as gross as Leo's poo, but in the same ballpark). The next three days featured lots of crying, congested nights that woke Max up every 45 minutes or so, fights over getting antibiotics and Advil into him, and pretty much no food intake whatsoever given the pain in his throat.
I can't imagine how little would have been accomplished in general if it wasn't for Jenn - what an angel! Thanks to her, we got enough sleep to stay in the game, cooked some good meals and Holly even got to go tubing with some friends. We even got a few Scrabble games in! A real lifesaver.
Max didn't seem to be getting any better by Monday so we went back in to the doctor (one of our favourite doctors in Ottawa, Dr. O!). We were told to be patient and aim for a big improvement by Wednesday. On the way out, Dr. O gave Max two tongue depressors that were supposed to be friends for Thomas the Tank Engine (who was on Max's shirt). Max called them Boy and Doctor and has been playing with them ever since.
Over the next couple of days, Max graduated to no Advil, then a bit of food, then sleeping through large parts of the night again and then finally, he was back at daycare today. It was pretty hard to see Max in real pain for the first time. He seemed so confused and particularly frustrated that he couldn't eat. Monday night, we were bushed and ordered pizza. Max was so excited when it arrived that he buckled himself into his high chair and virtually pounded the table with his cutlery. Then, he took a single bite and started crying about the pain in his mouth. It broke our hearts and we're definitely glad he's on the mend.
As for the other Stardom boy, Leo hit the big 8-month mark today. Still no teeth or crawling, but he has turned into an amazing sitter. He loves sitting up next to one of his toy baskets and rummaging around until he finds something he likes. Then he'll gnaw on it for a while and then rummage some more. Given that he isn't nearly as fond of the Jumparoo as Max was, it's neat to see that he's essentially replaced it with something else.
I also found out over the phone today that Leo went for his first swim today! Unlike his big brother, Leo apparently loved being in the water. He especially liked watching all of the other people in and around the pool. We've been talking for a while now about getting Leo into the water, but sicknesses, weather and other things have conspired against us. I'm definitely looking forward to our first family swim.
Another thing that I'm REALLY looking forward to is spring strolling with the boys. Leo hasn't spent much time in strollers to date, but I think that with all of the things spring offers to look at, he'll be completely mesmerized. Plus, spring means that park and wading pool time isn't far off in the distance. . . :)
Here are a couple pictures of our younger cutie pie.
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