Saturday, November 7, 2009


For those of you who have yet to hear Max singing his ABCs (or as he calls them, ABDs), here you go. Sorry about the weird colour scheme - I was messing around with the camera settings.

Currently, this is #1 in Poland and the club mix is doing well in Andorra.


Unknown said...

Hey John, I've checked with my family in Poland and nobody heard of that song.It's not on the Top 40 list.Why did you pick Poland?

Love and kisses


Anonymous said... is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading every day.

girlstuckinacube said...

Gracie was quite taken with this song. You can probably bank on the under-6 month set to help boost record sales as well, based on this very limited sampling.

kath said...

I thought the article was very professionally written as well.
He is tooooooooooooo cute!

John said...

That's what I always strive for, professionally-written stuff. As for "why Poland?", when I used to follow music charts, Poland was one of those countries that Billboard followed overseas. Their club hits were always pretty weird, though nothing ranked up there with Germany's Eins Zwei Polizei:)