Answer: Leaving! You might have been tipped off by the fact that his hair is a bit wet :) Friday, the 17th, it was a nice hot day out and Max was home while his daycare provider had strep throat so we decided to give the wading pool a shot. When we got there, Holly sat on the edge of the pool and put her feet in - ice cold! She then took Max and dipped his feet in and he, he didn't! He giggled! He WANTED to be in the pool! Seriously, this is what he looked like:
There were a few other kids and a bunch of pool toys to play with so Max was in heaven. We ended up staying over an hour, until Max started shivering. And even then, he didn't want to go. The tough thing about leaving is that most (all?) wading pools in the city are by parks with play structures so after we manage to calm him down, all he wants to do is hit the park. Which is fine, as long as we build in a time cushion accordingly. We have three wading pools within 15 minutes (walking) of our place so as long as we don't add to the 196 mm of rain we've had in the month of July, we'll probably make a habit of hitting the pools after picking Max up from daycare too. Here are a couple more pictures from a few wading pool adventures over the last few weeks:
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