This is one post that's long overdue.
At the end of June, less than a week before Leo's birth, the three of us (weird how we're never really going to be three again...) went down to Toronto for a weekend to visit with our friend JB and go to the wedding of another couple of friends from Holly's grad school stint. The Saturday morning after we got in, we decided to do a little tour of the St. Lawrence Market. Max was fascinated by all of the food and absolutely had to sample some of the wares. So we got a couple of fresh fruit smoothies and took this picture of him essentially double fisting the juices. Awesome.

While coming down from the fruit sugar high, we spotted a busker who was performing some magic tricks and blowing up balloons. For now, Max can't really appreciate magic, but balloons...oh boy. When we saw that the guy could make motorcycles, Max just had to have one. One go-go-day, coming up!

Then, as it turns out, it was the second weekend of Toronto Pride and so, never having been, we decided to go check it out. Max got in on the action too and showed his pride!

First stop was the row of promotional booths. Max got to sit on a police motorcycle:

and Daddy got to don some Forces garb:

Then, the onslaught of topless dudes in their gitch (underwear, for non-prairie folk). One was kind enough to let Max hold his hammer.

Even Mommy got in with the beefcake. Said she to the Trojan rep: "It's too late for me at this point to use your stuff, but can I get a picture?"

We had a picnic with all of our market purchases and then took Max to see the Dyke March. I think this was Max's first bona fide parade and he obviously loved it. All of the vehicles, people, noise, colours and smiles certainly kept him entertained. One float in the parade (I think there were only two) looked like some post-apocalyptic garbage truck and had loud music and people dancing on all levels, some with animal masks on (it was a float in support of an animal shelter or some such thing). Max stared at it as it went by, looked to the next thing in line, then decided that the garbage disco was more interesting so went back to it, looked at the next thing in line, ... repeat ... until the float was way off in the distance. I would have paid $100 to know how his head was processing that one float. Somehow we don't have pictures of the parade (Holly chalks that up to there being too many topless women to take any appropriate photos), but we'll never forget Max's beaming face :)
That night, JB babysat Max (and was a total pro, from the sound of it) while us elder folk headed off to the wedding. The event was off at the Steam Whistle microbrewery by Skydom..err...Roger's Centre and was fantastic. We caught up with some old friends, ran into people we didn't know were friends of the bride and groom, ate well (including a gourmet poutine and grilled cheese station that started running at midnight - brilliant idea), danced a bunch (remember, Holly was T-6 days at this point) and Daddy hit the taps. It had been a while since we'd been to a wedding and it was great to have been invited to this one - what a treat!
Here's a look at the inside of the brewery.
After a few hours on the dance floor. . . Sunday morning, after a rousing game of Scrabble (Max lost) and an amazing homemade brunch, we set out from the big smoke and came home by way of Peterborough in order to visit with family there. We had a wonderful time and even got to taste-test a wedding cake. I joked with Holly that the last thing we ever get to accomplish before her pregnancies end are visits in Peterborough. Sure enough, it was Ptbo, day at work, day off, Canada Day scare and the rest is history. So now we'll always know how to induce labour in the future:):) Here are some Toronto and Peterborough pics from Sunday:

Max enjoying his brunch.
Max samples a delicious wedding cake courtesy of Linda's daughter Lisa, a star pastry chef and restaurateur.
Sharing a wonderful meal with Great Grampa Frank and Linda.