This post is LONG overdue. We kind of got hung up posting the birthday post (I had misplaced the camera cord for downloading pictures) and then this past week got kind of crazy. But enough with the excuses!
I have been absolutely loving being at home with Max while Holly pulls in the dough. I've been telling everyone that I've had it lucky - Max is interesting, can entertain himself to some degree, naps regularly and is willing to go on long excursions without needing much more than some food and the occasional change. When Holly was home alone with Max prior to this past summer, the Max she had on her hands didn't nap much/well, couldn't communicate much to her and couldn't get around on his own, putting a lot of the onus of entertainment on Holly. Furthermore, in terms of extra-curricular activities, I can reap the benefits of the pile of information Holly had to research on her own...back then, there was no play group and she had to go find out about things like sing-alongs at the library, hushabye classes or strollercise. I can imagine how those days must have been so much more taxing than the days I have at home right now. Max and I have been having a great time getting up to a whole whack of adventures. Here's a short list of the things we have done.
Our first doctor's appointment, just the two of us: 22lbs and 28 inches tall. Just about normal weight, although Max is still pretty short.
Continuing to attend the weekly play group formed with Holly's Hushabye crowd. So much fun!! I almost feel like one of the women.
A few more trips to the pool: Grandma H enrolled Max for another session of swimming and he seems to be doing much better than before.
Seeing Max's top four teeth come in. FINALLY!!! Now he sleeps much better (about 9-10 hours a night and 2 hours' worth of naps during the day. Sigh...)
A day at the Richmond Fall Fair with Holly: a great way to spend a birthday.
Our third Food Bank Charity Garage Sale: Holly will be blogging about this and posting pictures. Priceless!
Two play dates with office colleagues and their children: Max loves socializing with other kids. And I love it because it wears him out:)
New culinary experiments ranging from new purees (leek, eggplant, zucchini) to a lot more grown-up food (salmon, pasta, Jell-o, udon noodles)
Transitioning Max from nap-by-breast to nap-by-bottle of whole milk. It seems that Max is a fan of cow's milk. Good thing, 'cause I can't make the other stuff.
Watching Max learn to kiss, nap before he gets to the so-tired-I'm-crying stage, stand for extended periods of time and even chain a few steps together. Walking is seriously right around the corner.
So all in all, it has been a wonderful month getting to take the reins a little bit more with my boy. It might sound like I'm getting a bit wistful...well, it's because my time alone with him is drawing to a close. The main purpose of my time at home with Max this fall was to secure a daytime caregiver of some sort, in case he did not bubble up to the top of the list at the Tunney's Pasture Daycare Centre. After many frustrating conversations with the TPDC, it looks fairly certain (I qualify it this way, because I don't even think they know whether I'm at the top of the list or even on the list at the moment) that we won't get a spot there in the next couple of years. When they say get on the list once you know you're pregnant, I guess they mean it.
In any case, back in June, I filled out an application form for one of the child care agencies here in town and they managed to locate a caregiver about 5 blocks from our house. We paid a visit earlier this week and it looks like a great situation for Max. And a heck of a lot cheaper than TPDC. The only catch was that the spot needed filling ASAP and so we have Max slated to start next Monday. I'll be off work for an additional bit to ensure that the transition goes smoothly for Max, but then I suppose it's back to the daily grind (and a little earlier than anticipated). So I'm a little conflicted now - happy that I've accomplished my goal of finding a decent care option for Max, but sad that I'm going to be back to spending 4 hours a day with him. Bring on the weekends!
Here are some pictures from our month together. Videos will follow.

Max, stoked about learning how to use a straw at The Works.

Max celebrating the big 0-1 with his Mom.

The boys, kicking it at the RCMP HQ mess for a friend's surprise 40th birthday party.

Rocking the bear jacket at home.

Losing a pillow fight against our sofa.

Time to move into the fall wardrobe. Thanks to Winnipeg Grandma for this natty new sweater. I keep forgetting that Max has already been through an autumn...not like he remembers it or anything.

The end result of trying to get Max to feed himself using a spoon. After attempt #1, I got smart enough to remove his top first.

Interacting with the petting zoo denizens at the Richmond Fair.

Max's first model shoot.

Ridin' the John Deere. Grampa R and GG will be so proud.

Checking the contents of a fortune cookie. The fortune was kind of ho-hum and cryptic.

Max practices standing an awful lot while playing with his Leap Frog magnetic barnyard (hosted by Farmer Tad and his banjo). Thanks to Auntie L for this awesome new toy.

Papi! Estas loco! I'm not even sure what was happening here, but I think it was right after he put mushroom and leek ravioli in his hair.
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