So, it's been a year now and I thought that it was about time that I wrote my first post. I don't have a gmail account so I had to log in under Mummy's name...
I woke up hungry at 7 AM. I had my first birthday meal in bed with Mummy then I decided that because it was my birthday, I had earned the right to sleep in until 9 AM. I woke up well-rested with a big smile on my face. Mummy had a weird look on her face after I woke her up and she looked at the clock. Daddy, my other favourite person, climbed into bed to play with me while Mummy scurried around in the bathroom and putting clothes on. I don't understand why she wanted to get away from me so quickly - what else could she have wanted to do more than play with me all day?
Eventually, Mummy left and Daddy and I got to start our day together. We had a scrumptious breakfast - nothing out of the ordinary, but there certainly was a lot of it. Cereal with papaya and peach purees mixed in - yum! Daddy then cut up some fresh nectarines for me to eat while he moved very quickly around the main floor, stacking things on shelves or in closets and doing something with all of our dishes in the sink. Why all the hurry? And why put all of that stuff away? Daddy knows I like stuff all over the place.
After I finished my fruit, I played for a bit upstairs while Daddy took some pictures of me on a strange looking camera. Every time the flash went off, it made a strange clicking and whirring sound. I wonder what that was. I tried to look as cute as possible in my outfit.
Then Daddy popped me in my red stroller and we went to the grocery store. We got all sorts of things I hadn't seen before: long sticks of bread, pink fish...this is usually where we get food for me so I figured that I'd be having some of this stuff. Sure enough, after I had a quick snooze to reenergize myself, I got to try some of the fish. Daddy said it wasn't farmed, but can I trust him? What does farmed even mean?
After a bit more fun time with Daddy, Mummy arrived home way earlier than normal. That was weird. Something was definitely going on. Auntie L showed up right after and we caught up on old times. Then Dad put me in some new clothes and Mummy put some sticky stuff in my hair to make it look weird. I didn't stay in the clothes long, but everybody was looking pleased. I would have asked what was happening, but I was running out of energy again.
I had another short nap and when I woke up, I had a few big surprises. While I was sleeping, some of my favourite people had arrived and they all wanted to hold me. Some were old like Mummy and Daddy and some others were really old. Except for my girlfriend. It was nice of her to bring her folks around - we hadn't seen each other for a while. I played on the ground while everyone else either stood around talking to one another, put food in their mouths or joined me on the floor to play.
Eventually, Mummy brought a pile of colourful boxes into my play area and looked expectantly at me. I have no idea what she was saying, but upon surveying the pile of stuff, it looked like one thing was shaped like a person or something. I wanted to rescue it from all of the boxes. Daddy sat down next to me and ripped its covering off and it turned out to be a weird-looking monkey. Why was it covered? Why was it with all of these boxes?
Daddy kept making ripping sounds while taking the nice coverings off of the things in the pile and giving me things to hold or holding clothes up in front of me. I don't know who they belonged to, but they were really nice. Maybe their owners would let me play with the toys or wear the clothes sometime. They sure were nice.
Once all of the coverings were taken off the toys and clothes (seriously, I don't have coverings on my toys and clothes...why were these ones covered? Weird), Daddy fed me dinner. He usually feeds me a lot more, but I only got a pile of the yummy orange and brown stuff. I was still hungry!
But then Daddy wheeled my high chair into the living room and the lights went darker. Everybody in the room started singing (gee, I wish I knew the words so that I could have sung along. What a catchy tune! Though not as interactive as The Grand Old Duke of York...). Everyone was looking at me and then Daddy put some beige and white thing on my tray with a glowing stick on top of it. I'd never seen anything like it! The glowing stick was hard to look at - it was bright! Daddy's cheeks got big and then poof! the glowing stick stopped glowing. Everybody clapped so I did too. Daddy took the unglowing stick away but left the thing it was stuck in. I poked at it a bit in the white part and it didn't seem dangerous. After passing the touch test, everything has to pass the taste test...WOW! I'd never tasted anything like this before. It was so sweet! I had to have more! So I got a handful and crammed it in my mouth. People laughed. Oh well, I was still hungry. YUMMY! The beige part behind the white part was OK, but less tasty and required more chewing. I'm not so keen on chewier foods so I left it behind and focused on the other stuff.
I had had a bit to eat but wasn't entirely finished when Grandma started asking to hold me again. Or at least that's what I thought she said - she was a little tough to understand. People gradually started leaving after that...I don't understand why. I felt full of energy and was ready to play! Mummy and Daddy stayed up until I was ready for bed (they seemed pretty pooped too - the first two pictures on the clock were both sticks) and then had another wonderful sleep. I'm not sure what made that day so special, but I sure hope I have another one some day.