*Max used to get by in the house in just a diaper shirt. Stupid winter.
*Max and I used to go for walks in the sun. Stupid winter.
*Max used to not sleep much at all. And then he slept a bunch. Allegedly.
*Max used to bathe in the sink.
*Max used to be jaundiced.
*Once upon a time, Max couldn't smile. Dark times, indeed.
*Max once just barely held on to his little blue rattle...instead of yanking out my hair
*Max used to be inside Holly - man those pregnancy pictures are CRAZY!
*There was a first nap, a first bottle, a first diaper change, a first solid meal, a first outfit that got too small...
*Max used to get hiccups all the time
*Holly and I used to wonder if he knew who we were
*I once had a month off
*There was a time we weren't sure if we'd ever all be asleep simultaneously.
*First Christmas, first sniffles all in 24 hours.
*I once cranked White Stripes to put Max to sleep
*Sling shopping, diaper shopping, buying and reading books about what to do with a baby...anticipation!!
*Good car trips, bad car trips.
*Max meeting all of his family members, a bit at a time.
*Max reaching out for Bella; Bella coming in for a rub.
*Max going bananas the first time he was in his playmat.
*Max going through paediatricians like disposable diapers.
*One day, Max realized he could block the nose bulb with his flailing arms.
*Max once needed to be swaddled to get to sleep.
Oh oops - it seems that I'm back in the present. It's been a wonderful ride so far - thrills, worries, lack of sleep, cuddly hugs, outings, and a lot of thanks for such a wonderful baby. I have learned a lot about myself, my limits and how to be a more caring daddy over the last 6 months...funny how I thought I'd be teaching him everything! And he can't even talk (back) yet. More than anything, I'm glad to have such a capable, caring and selfless person by my side to share this with me. For those of you who might be a bit dense, that's Holly.
Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to the next 6 months and beyond.

Cheers, bud
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