It's been a little hectic around here lately with some comings and goings and work picking up for me. But we have had some great times with little Max over the past couple of weeks. What's new? Well, here's a list.

Max is growing longer. So much so that we can't feed him in his favourite chair on the main floor anymore (he gets all kicky and doesn't focus). This is just as well as it's Lily's favourite chair too. Also, we have stopped bathing Max in the sink. He's too long and, again, active in the legs to contain in the little wash basin we have. Instead, we've resorted to bathing with him in the tub. He loves to float and, in general, is transitioning much better from tub to towel these days. I'm attaching a washing session he had with Holly in the tub and Auntie L on scrub mitt duty. He doesn't look very impressed here, but I think that's more because he's not a fan of cameras than anything else.
Max is getting more vocal. On the phone with my mom the other night, he was making so much noise talking to himself in the background that we had to stop our conversation and listen. This has been getting more interesting lately, with Max experimenting with sounds (I could swear he said something like Hi, with the breathy H and everything just last night...technically it was more like Haouua, but you know...), but started a while back when we began to be able to get him really riled up with toys and playtime. Here's a video from the holidays, after he had started squealing while having a blast with Auntie K and couldn't seem to calm himself down.
My comment with regards to "the hand" at the end of the video comes from Max's newfound obsession with sucking/gnawing on his hand. Lots of people are saying that this is a big sign that teething is around the corner, but we're in denial. Especially Holly. I wonder why. In any case, we're soaking up his gummy little smile as much as we can. Everything's different with teeth.

Finally, Max has started to smile more often. Not only does he seem to enjoy playing with us more, but he certainly uses his smile to flirt in public places a lot. We have no idea where he gets that from. He has also started to recognize the sound of Holly and I laughing and starts to smile when we laugh. Super cute. Holly has taken some great pictures that will be up soon (daytime shots, though few and far between, always seem to turn out better because at least Max doesn't get stunned by the light that comes on before the flash), but I'll at least put one up to sate your appetite in the meantime.
I'm so happy to have finally met Max the Magnificent yesterday. he's the most mellow baby ever. What a babe, too!
kisses and hugs to all of you
we miss you so much
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