Thursday, September 27, 2007

Max and his first extended jaunt

It's funny how one of our busiest, most adventurous days in a month came on the heels of one of our most exhausting nights. But then again, isn't that always the way?

Two nights ago, Max rewrote his feeding schedule, getting Holly out of bed after 45-90 minute bursts of "sleep". Except for one good 2.5 hour blast from 3:00-5:30, after which he stayed wide awake and then got hungry 30 minutes after his feeding. Finally, he allowed himself to be tucked in with me for 90 minutes before we got ourselves ready for our official weigh-in at the midwives' office.

Over the past few days, the midwives expressed a bit of concern that Max was still 4 oz. below his birth weight and they always like to see babies reach their birth weight again by the end of week 3. As a result, our feeding schedule and method got rejigged to attempt to get him to feed more and feed better. The biproduct of this has been a big reduction in sleep, but we were optimistic that the results would be worth it.

While at the midwives', we discovered two things: first, that everything was a lot funnier than normal (I wonder why) and second, that Max vaulted past his birth weight, coming in at just under 8 lbs. Woohoo. We hopped a bus home to eat or grab a the end hunger won out. Maybe not the best choice, but at least a good choice. We had hair appointments mid-afternoon with our stylist T, who has been dying to meet Max. She enjoyed catching up with both of us while Max continued to sleep in my wrap and Holly's arms. On our way out the door, T planted the idea in our heads of getting a bubble tea down the street, so we set off in the search of tapioca-y goodness.

Unfortunately, the Temptation Tea Shoppe (of course with double P-E...Old English was rampant in old Edo) was out of tapioca and for me that was a dealbreaker, so we trudged off to Bubblicity in Ottawa's PanAsiaTown - not a short walk. We each had a tea (pomegranate and raspberry...yum!) and Max got fed. We continued our walk home, but only got as far as Plant Bath (the local pool) before Max got inconsolable and forced us to pull aside for a change and another feed. Eventually, we made it back home after a quick shop in Hintonburg's Asian supermarket and a short ride on the Deuce with Hintonburg's finest. Max somehow fell asleep even after all that time sleeping in the sling. He must have had a great time!

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