Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Two weekends ago, we thought we'd beat the rush and whisk the kids off to see Santa on his annual stop to Carlingwood Shopping Centre before a yummy dim sum date with friends. Santa opened his gates at 10:00 sharp (when the rest of the mall opened) so that's what we aimed for. We showed up a minute or two late and found a line of probably 20 families. At about 5 minutes per (at least), that's an hour and a half wait which a) was going to run over dim sum and b) was going to destroy us as a family. So we explained to the kids that we'd have to see Santa some other time. I was shocked by how well they took it...but then again, we hit Bulk Barn for some treats. Good ol' distraction.

We returned to the mall this past Sunday and this time, we meant bizness. We showed up at 9:35 and were second in line. We were disappointed to only see about 12 families show by 10 (kind of like failed Schadenfreude) but were ultra happy with the quick in-n-out of seeing Santa in 15 minutes. The boys were both very much in awe and had a hard time saying much. Max did mention that Lego was what he wanted, but he completely forgot what kind or which set or anything specific. Leo, well he could barely remember his name. They each got solo pics with Mr. Claus before we mixed in a little Henry for a group shot. Henry looked at Santa, looked at us*, looked back at Santa, looked back at us and started crying (thankfully, elf-lady got a couple of pictures at the *). Here are the 2012 Santa pictures featuring the Stardom boys!

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